Raw Sacramento Presents
An Elegant Valentine's Celebration
Rhio and Leigh

Event Location: Dan and Cheri's
in So. Sac
7pm - 9pm with socializing until 10pm
Lecture by Rhio: "Vibrant, Glowing
Health is Every Person's Birthright!"
Raw Food Demo
Raw Snacks

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this event please click
Who is Rhio?
Rhio is known in the NYC area as "the fruit and veggie
lady" to her radio audience.
Rhio is the author of "Hooked on

About the Author (from "Hooked on Raw" published in 2000)
Rhio is an author and investigative reporter in the area of
health. She is also a singer and actress. As a performer she has
appeared on over 50 TV shows. Currently she is completing her
third record album for the Latin market. She has been the host of
"The Good Health Workshop", a syndicated radio show. She is of
Hungarian-Cuban descent and completely fluent in Spanish. Last
year CNN and American Journal aired stories on raw foods featuring
Rhio. She is considered an expert in the area of raw and living
foods. She is currently the host of a two-minute syndicated radio
feature called "The Fruit And Veggie Lady", due to air in the
Spring of 2001.
Recently, Rhio was one of the participants in the Raw Food
Masters Culinary Showcase at the Swept Away Resort in Negril,
Jamaica. The event featured 11 of the best gourmet Raw Food Chefs
from around the world, along with a panel of world-renowned
experts on life-extension, healing, and rejuvenation.
About 5 years ago she started "Rhio's Raw Energy Hotline" on
one of her phone lines in New York City where she lives. The
hotline provides information for people who are interested in the
raw/live food lifestyle. (212) 343-1152.
Periodically, Rhio hosts living food potluck dinners at her
spectacular TriBeCa loft in downtown Manhattan and, from time to
time, she offers classes on how to prepare raw and living foods.
Rhio has been involved in the area of natural foods since she was
a teenager. For the past 10 years Rhio has been on a diet of about
95-100% raw and living foods. She is considered one of the most
knowledgeable people on the subject by those in the field.
Rhio has a keen regard for human health and how to
enhance it with raw foods. She maintains a
web presence
and publishes periodic rawfood newsletters. She and her partner, Leigh, are well-known in
raw food circles. Raw Sacramento is proud to welcome them to the
River City on February 11.
Event Essential Information:
RSVP Mandatory
Our Host's home is very spacious and elegant, with a
kitchen that lends itself well to food preparation demos. However,
there are limits to everything, and there is a limit to how many
may attend this special event. So, if you want to be among the lucky
valentines (shown below) who attend this event, you must:
Don't Miss The Valentine Party"
1. RSVP to Mark (via email only, please)
Here's How
2. Prepay your $20 per person fee
When the event is full, no more reservations can be
accepted. If an email reservation is received and payment is not
received within 4 days, that reservation will be invalidated.
All payments and reservations need to be finalized by Thursday, February
10 by 1pm. You may go to this page to see who
else is coming, and to see how many spaces remain. Please do not
come to this event if your name does not say confirmed
here. Yes, to reserve and attend
you must supply your name and (optionally) the name of any other person
for whom you are making a reservation. If
you are so special that you don't use a name, or your name is too special
to appear on our guest list, you are ineligible to come.
Folks, it bears repeating....if you hope to attend this event, please
don't delay in making an RSVP. This event will be announced to 300
people via email from Raw Sacramento's mailing list, and many others on
Rhio's list. You do the math.
Take appropriate action!
If you are not on Raw Sacramento's Mailing List, please
read this to see whether you should be!
How to RSVP via email:

Give me the first and last name of each individual for
whom your are making a reservation to attend. Tell me how much you
are paying (at $20/person). Tell me how you are paying (see below).
Use this link to email
How to pay for this event:
The easy way:
paypal the required funds to
The hassle way:
draw a check made out to Mark Blackburn or place cash in a security
envelope and mail to:
Mark Blackburn 1310 E Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Mark's Commentary
This will be a great event. Rhio and Leigh have
made many such presentations and are very passionate, wonderful people.
This will be a lovely and elegant evening. Several raw snacks will
be served, but this will not be a full course dinner. If you are
interested in health and raw foods and if you enjoy music I urge you to
attend. I expect this event to sell out fairly quickly. If you
know you wish to attend, do not delay in making your mandatory RSVP and
payment. This would be a perfect Valentine Gift for your special
Valentine. And, if you don't have a Valentine, come anyway, maybe
you'll meet him (or her).
Street shoes are not worn inside our host's home...so bring
extra socks or slippers if you wish.
Please do not park your car in our host's cul-de-sac.
They have a beautiful home and it is a great privilege for Raw Sacramento
to be able to use it. Please, let's be courteous to the neighbors.

Dan and Cheri's Kitchen is well able to accommodate this
Photo taken at our January, 2005 Potluck

Synopsis of Rhio's Lecture:
Learn why you can never hope to achieve that birthright by
following the
paradigm set by our Westernized Medical Community.
The dominant, entrenched medical system in the US and other
industrialized countries is the allopathic medical system, even though
are many diverse, effective and still viable alternate medical systems
have evolved over the centuries. Learn the basic differences between the
allopathic system and all the others. Rhio will explain some of the
underlying false premises upon which the allopathic system is based,
beginning with the work of Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard,
microbiologists whose ideas and work developed during the mid 19th century
along with the better known Louis Pasteur.
Rhio will also outline some of the reasons why a raw/live food diet and
lifestyle are so healthy and life affirming. The talk includes anecdotes
personal experiences.
Questions are welcomed at the end.
Rhio and her partner, Leigh will also perform some entertaining original
songs and there will be a demonstration of a simple to prepare raw food
recipe and generous tasting.
While Rhio's intention is not to malign doctors, most of whom are
to the welfare of their patients, she does point out the shaky ground upon
which the allopathic system is built.
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