Mb_harbr.jpg (35165 bytes)    Mark S. Blackburn,  Veteran USA


Beefing up The National Intelligence

Our leaders are demanding huge new spending to increase our intelligence efforts.  For three years I worked for the National Security Agency in and out of Central America.  I can assure you, these 'secret' agencies do Americans no good whatever!   They do us and our neighbors a lot of harm, and they deprive us of our privacy.  

What do these agencies do?  They carry out killing in privacy.  You see, sometimes  our leaders worry that the taxpayers they are cheating out of billions will revolt if they find out how much of the money stolen is used to kill people all over the globe.  So,  they go undercover and fund these intelligence agencies, so they can carry out their murdering covertly.    These agencies are expert at killing people and leaving no trace.  (Sounds like our September 11 attackers).  Do you see how the USA is every bit as guilty as they are?  

A free and open society has no need of an intelligence service.  Non-terrorist nations like Thailand, Costa Rica, Switzerland, etc., do not have a CIA or NSA, and they have no troubles with their neighbors.  We have these rogue agencies, and we get into trouble constantly.


Our leaders declare that this is "Good" versus "Evil."  They just fail to declare that they are on the side of "Evil."  They say that this was an attack on "Freedom."  Are we a free country?  How presumptuous!  Most of our working people now pay more than 1/2 their wages in taxes, making them slaves--slaves to a war-mongering government that risks our security by making other nations hate us!

What is the premise of an intelligence agency?--that we have enemies.  Why must we have enemies?  Switzerland doesn't have enemies.  Costa Rica doesn't have enemies.  Why must the USA constantly make enemies?  It is very expensive to make and maintain enemies.  I can't afford it.  I'd rather see this money remain with the people (tax breaks).  Let the people buy what they need and want!  Why should government decide how to spend half our earnings?

Our national budget was approaching non deficit spending for the first time in 3 decades.  The national Ponzi-retirement plan (social security) was actually approaching solvency.  Must we go back to the deficit spending and the 30+% of our budget going for interest?  The ultimate benefit and security of Americans will be best preserved by closing down our intelligence agencies, acting openly and decently in the world theatre,  not further enticing others to hate the USA.

-A Veteran named Mark

Have you forgotten what WAR is?

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Mark S. Blackburn, MBA

1310  E  Street Victorian

Sacramento, CA 95814

Write to Mark:   Mark_Blackburn@Yahoo.com

Last Updated: February 14, 2010