Mark S. Blackburn, Veteran USA
The below letter from my RawFood Friend Rhio in New York....another
Great American for Peace & Security.
Everyone handles and processes terrifying events in
different ways -- some people throw themselves into work and activity -- I
found myself retreating into my shell, like a turtle. I took to bed with the TV
on day and night.
Slowly through the haze, I started hearing on the TV
from the news commentators, from the government leaders, something
equally as horrible. Everyone is talking of war, retaliation, revenge. The
people speaking of love and peace were drowned out or ignored. I switched
to the Latin station, many people were calling in, some speaking of restraint,
love, peace - they were quickly cut off. I switched to the public stations,
here at last a more reasoned voice, but who is listening? Even the ministers
at the Washington Cathedral service today said "we must guard against
repaying evil with evil", "be careful that by our actions we do not become as
one with those who perpetrate evil" -- (I'm paraphrasing from memory).
Is anyone listening?
Where are the real statesmen? We ignore our ministers
and listen to the military men strategizing war. We pray - but prepare for
war. We are told ` people in their sorrow and emotion of the moment are
being roused to support the political line. Polls say they support immediate
retaliatory action -- but ask them again in a few weeks -- after they've had a
chance to calm down, regroup and think clearly. Do we really want to see more
innocent people killed and families changed forever? Do we really want a
world war that could last for years? In the Vietnam War, the people
finally forced a pull out. The people could prevent this "new war"
if they would speak out. Are we to perpetuate the cycle of violence forever? Violence
begets violence -- if it had ever worked differently, would we find
ourselves in this position now?
What are you saying - should we all just sit around and
do nothing? Don't you want the perpetrators brought to justice? The
terrorists must be brought to justice, but there are other ways of doing it besides
using instruments of war, which ALWAYS kill the innocent (called
"collateral damage" and shrugged off). The tools for peace (and justice) are at hand --
diplomacy, negotiation, good will, intelligence strategies, plain
intelligence, common sense, reason, willingness to change policies that harm,
and - dare we do more than just say the word -- LOVE -- LOVE -- LOVE.
Now is also a good time for introspection. Let's find
out why America is hated by so many countries (and factions) all over the
world. We are told they hate us because they hate freedom and our way of
life. But is this really true? Yes, we do represent freedom, but many of
our policies throughout the world repress freedom for others. (In my
hotline below, written before this catastrophe, I refer the reader to
the situation in Jamaica and how our policies have destroyed their
economy causing devastating poverty.)
NOTHING justifies terrorism against innocent people but
we must look at the terrorism that the US has caused to others. As stated by
Mitchel Cohen, NY mayoral candidate of the Green Party, in a recent email: "I remember the 'war on poverty'. I also remember
the 'war on Vietnam' (2 million Vietnamese murdered), the 'war on Nicaragua'
(30,000 Nicaraguans killed in the mid-1980s), the 'war in El Salvador'
(70,000 killed by death squads), the 'war on Drugs' (Panama/Noriega: 7,000
killed by US troops); the 'war on Iraq to defend our way of life' (250,000 killed
in the first 2 months; 1 million killed in the follow-up); the 'war
against hunger in Somalia' (10,000 killed by US/UN troops); the 'war in
Grenada' (US wiped out the progressive forces there); 'war again against Iraq's
No Fly Zones' (repeated bombings to this day); 'war against
Yugoslavia' (thousands killed, ecology destroyed, water poisoned); the 'War against
Sudan's pharmaceutical plant?' (hundreds killed outright) …
Some misguided people will probably accuse
me (Rhio) of not being patriotic. The truth is that this (and former)
administration's policies do not represent me and millions of other peace
loving and peace-aspiring, American people.
It is time to change "courses of
action" that never get us to where we really want to be. War will just escalate the
reprisals as represented by acts of terrorism that will more frequently visit
I reflect upon the wisdom of teachers that
I admire, Mahatma Ghandi, Albert Schweitzer, Jesus, Buddha, Martin Luther
King, Jr., and others - what would they say?
The path to a peaceful world will not come
through war.
Rhio's Website:
Mark Blackburn
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