Why you should host a potluck
at your home:
From October to April we hold our monthly potluck in member's
homes. Is your home suitable for a potluck? We usually have
from 15 to 30 individuals at our potlucks.
- You don't have to prepare a dish (unless you want to - we let you skip
this task)
- You don't have to drive to the potluck -- we come to you
- Your neighbors will think you are very popular
- With so many bodies in your house, you can turn the heat down and save
- You will support & benefit Raw Sacramento (and make life easier on the
- Volunteer today! Sites are needed for 2005 Contact
Potluck dates for 2004
Requirements for a potluck:
- Adequate space for 25 and seating for at least 14
individuals (yes, some can stand, and some can bring chairs).
- Sufficient table or counter space for many dishes to be laid
- Adequate parking for 10 or more autos without driving the neighbors
- At least 1 guest bathroom (ideally 2 or more)