Raw Sacramento Recipes

A Raw Foods Philosophy:   I feel it prudent to mention that although especially at potlucks we sometimes try to make particularly mouth-watering and exquisite entrees">

Raw Sacramento Recipes

A Raw Foods Philosophy:   I feel it prudent to mention that although especially at potlucks we sometimes try to make particularly mouth-watering and exquisite entrees, this is not the 'norm' among experienced, seasoned, raw food eaters.  Yes, the above table of mouthwatering delights I enjoyed last November at Quintessence Raw Restaurant in NYC is utterly delicious.  But, honestly, neither you or I have the time or the money to eat like this for every meal.  The above meal is a designer raw food delight.  If you wanted to eat for optimum health and digestion, you would eat only one food per meal.  My friend and 20+ year Raw Food Mentor, Dr. Doug Graham says for optimum Raw Food preparation he likes to apply the 5-5-5 rule.  "If it doesn't have more than 5 ingredients, doesn't take more than 5 minutes to make, and doesn't cost more than $5 for ingredients, he will enjoy it."  Otherwise, he won't.  In fact, Doug says after awhile following 5-5-5, you'll want to change to 3-3-3.  In my daily life I am down to a 3-3-3 and mono-meal (eat 1 food per meal) about 50% of the time.  You will find in the below list many delicious items which can be made from 3 or 4 ingredients.  Some only have only 2!  There is a banana-avocado pudding with just 2.  And, there are some with perhaps 20 or more.  Each person has to do what is right for them at the time.  In becoming a raw food eater you may miss the pizzas and truffles so much that you simply need to spend a lot of time creating masterpieces.  And, I have to admit, I seldom miss the opportunity to enjoy a designer raw food meal.  But, I rarely take time to make one, except for a potluck or special occasion. I eat out of nature's pantry (right off the tree) much of the time.   I encourage you to find what works best for you!  -Doxycycline online pharmacy canada

Salad & Salad Dressing Soup
Dessert Other Recipes - Not Organized Yet (refer to instructions)
Other Web Links for Recipes Home

The below list is not well-organized yet.  You can search for items like 'salad' (for instance) by selecting (from Internet Explorer's File Menu) 'Edit' / 'Find on this page' and type in 'salad'.  Contextually, you could search on 'pie', 'nog', 'sauce', 'drink,' 'burrito', 'chips',  'Joyce', 'Quintessence', etc.  Hopefully I'll have time to organize it better one day.  In the meantime, enjoy one of the largest raw food recipe lists on the web.  Do not print this out unless you want around 45 pages of recipes!   Far better to clip and paste the recipe(s) you want to a word document & print from there.   (Donna Huddleston of Dallas, Tx wrote me on 8/20/03 and said she had printed them all out--44 pages!  Thanks, Donna)!   I have snatched some of these from other sites giving credit, of course.   Many others I have received from our members, or off raw food listserves.  If you have a recipe to contribute, please send it to me!

Other Links for Raw Vegan Recipes

http://www.rawtimes.com (difficult to navigate to Recipes...but it's there)
http://www.rawfoodlife.com/raw_food_recipes.html site is buggy, but still has good info.


Salad & Salad Dressing

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Herbed Tomato Dressing
2 skinned, quartered tomatoes
2 tbsp sunflower seeds
1/2 garlic clove
1/2 tsp thyme, oregano, rosemary and basil.

Blend all ingredients until well mixed.

Carrot Salad Dressing
1 med diced carrot
1/2 sliced onion
3 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1/2 cup oil
4 tsp tamari soy sauce
7/8 cup water
Blend ingredients in a blender.

Mint Tahini Dressing   (salad dressing)

(Makes 1/4 Cup from Susan Smith Jones)

1 Cup fresh mint leaves

1/4 Cup Raw Tahini

1/4 Cup water

3 T lemon juice



Lemon Tahini Sauce  (or salad dressing) 

    from CassandraDurham@yahoo.com

1/2 cup lemon juice

5 dates

1/3 cup raw tahini



Jazzy Tahini Dressing
by Noel Kaufmann

3/4 cup sesame seeds soaked (3 hours); blend along with soak water until fairly smooth.
Blend together with:
juice of 1 lemon
garlic to your taste
tbsp. or so ginger powder
1/2 cup olive oil
sweetener to taste
about 1/4 cup apple juice


Roberta's Quinoa Salad


1 cup dry quinoa soaked 4-6 hours, then sprouted 2-3 days (becomes about 6 cups)

2 cups diced cucumbers

2 cups diced tomatoes

3 diced avocados

4T Nama Shoyu



Juice of one lemon and the juice of one lime
1/2 inch of fresh ginger
1 garlic clove
4 to 6 oz of water

Blend until smooth.

Then, take (ORGANIC of course) 1 and 1/2 stalk of celery, 1/2 green 
bell pepper, 1 bunch of fresh cilantro, some fresh dill (to taste), 1/3 of a chili pepper, 1 
fresh tomato, and a pinch of REAL salt and pepper.

Blend until smooth.

Then take one of the following ...

1 tablespoon of sesame butter or 1/2 avocado or 3 oz of extra virgin olive oil and blend until smooth and creamy.  If you like it more creamy or smooth, add more from the "fat" selection and enjoy.

Summer Garden Salad

6 cups of wild or other greens, including dandelion
2 apples, chopped
1 cabbage, green
1 yam
4 tablespoons hemp seed

Chop by hand into bite size pieces. 
 Spiral slice yam with Saladacco.  Mix ingredients and serve.  Serves 4-8

Nomi's signature salad dressing
This is the recipe I always use at home and when visiting. I
usually use flax seed oil, but it is also good with olive oil. It
is a big favorite.

4 servings (this recipe is called Premier French Dressing in my
book, The Raw Gourmet)

4 Tablespoons flax oil or olive oil
2 Tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice (balsamic vinegar may be
used instead)
1/2 teaspoon maple syrup. (best with maple, but other sweetener can
be used)
Pinch of sea salt, or a drop or two of Nama shoyu

Whisk, then drizzle over salad. Make at the last minute, as it will
break down if you make it in advance.



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Curried Squash and Fennel Soup

4 cups butternut squash. peeled and chopped
2 cups baby peeled carrots, chopped
6 stalks celery, chopped
2 bulbs fennel, chopped
1 apple, peeled and chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
1/2 cup of raw tahini
1/2 cup of exvirginigin olive oil, cold pressed
2 T curry powder
1 T cumin powder
2 t celtic sea salt, fine ground
cumin seeds, lime wedges, and cilantro sprigs for

In food processor, pulse each of the first 5
ingredients, then combine in large mixing bowl. In
blender, add ginger, garlic, curry, cumin,olive oil and
tahini, Blend (add water if necessary). Combine in
mixing bowl with vegetable mixture. Add sea salt, mix
well. In batches, fill blender 3/4 full and
liquefy. Serve soup slightly warm (not above 110
degrees). Garnish soup bowls with a sprinkle of cumin
seeds, a sprig of cilantro and a squeeze of lime

Mushroom Soup
This rich and thick soup has a heavenly mushroom flavor. A great
special recipe for the holidays. As soup, because it is so rich 1/2
cup is a large enough serving. For warm soup or gravy, heat over
low heat, or a double boiler until warm (not hot) to the touch. Use
the tastiest mushrooms you can find, crimini work very well and
shitake's have proven health benefits.

The trick is to use a very small serving bowl or cup for this soup.
If a large meal follows, the amount of fat in this soup (2
tablespoons per serving) will not contribute to comfort or good
health. If you'd like a zingier soup, add 1 teaspoon chopped onion.

1/4 cup almond butter
1 1/2 cups cut up mushrooms (cut in quarters)-or more, to taste
1 tablespoon Bragg's or a large pinch of sea salt or 1 1/2
teaspoons of Nama Shoyu
1/2 cup water

4 tablespoons finely chopped mushrooms

Place first 4 ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into
a serving bowl. Top with chopped mushrooms. Yield 1 Cup, which is 2
servings. Make and eat the same day.

Carrot/Asparagus Soup
This could be called the king of soups. The fiber in the asparagus
creates a delightful texture, and the tahini gives it a smooth
quality. Do not use the woody ends of the asparagus, chop only the
most tender part, about 2” from the end. Option: warm soup in the
top of a double boiler or on very low heat just until warm to the
touch. For extra zip, stir in 1/2 teaspoon wasabi powder.

1 cup cut up asparagus, or more to taste
1 cup carrot juice
2 heaping tablespoons tahini (or almond butter)
1 teaspoon cut up onion, or more to taste
A pinch of sea salt or a few drops of nama shoyu or bragg's
dulse flakes

In a blender, blend first five ingredients into a smooth
consistency. Taste and adjust flavors. Pour into serving bowl and
top with Dulse flakes. Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups. Serves 2.

Traditional Raw Carrot Soup
An old standby in raw cuisine, carrot soup is nourishing and easy
to make. Even if you do not own a juicer, you can buy fresh made
carrot juice at juice bars and at many health food stores. This
recipe calls for pouring the soup over chopped sprouts and other
vegetables. Alter this to suit your family's taste. I have never
heated this soup, but I suppose that it would work for those who
must have their soup warmed. Be careful to keep it at or below the
temperature of a Jacuzzi bath. Two variations of this soup follow.

1 cup carrot or mixed carrot and vegetable juice
1/2 - 1 avocado
cumin, to taste
dash of sea salt
dash of lemon juice
optional: garlic or shallot to taste

Cut up avocado. Place carrot juice in blender. Add avocado and
blend to desired thickness. Add cumin, salt and lemon juice to
taste. Blend. Pour over sprouts and chopped veggies in bowl. Serves

Alternative: Eliminate cumin and add 2 teaspoons grated ginger
root. (for spice lovers use both cumin and ginger).

Variation: For a nutritious Seaweed Carrot Soup: Double the recipe
and add 1/2 cup dulse pieces and 1/2 cup clover, alfalfa or
sunflower sprouts, blend. Serves 2.




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Tahitian Vanilla Crème Parfait with Tropical Fruit Compote

Serves 6


½  c cashews soaked 10-12 hours

2 c  young coconut meat

½ - ¼ c coconut water

1/4 c dates pitted (optional)

1 ½ t vanilla bean (1 bean)

2 T mesquite meal

½ t Celtic salt

2 c choice of fresh fruit sliced or diced thin tossed with 2 T orange juice and t cinnamon


In high-speed blender, blend the cashews, coconut, date, vanilla, mesquite and salt until smooth..

Continue by layering the crème and the sliced fruit in a parfait glass. 

Garnish with fresh fruit and mint sprig for color.

Chill before serving.

For a great addition top with candied nuts or dehydrated buckwheat groats.

.Also try omitting the cashews and adding unsoaked macadamia nuts.


Melt-In-Your-Mouth Coconut Oil Fudge

1-1/2 cups Pure Joy Coconut Oil (liquefied by placing in a bowl of hot water)
1-1/2 cups Rapadura (a whole unprocessed natural sugar), Sucanat or honey
1 cup carob powder or organic cocoa powder
1/2 tsp. Celtic sea salt
1/8 vanilla bean (scrape the inner beans out with a spoon) or 1 tsp. vanilla extract

Melt the coconut oil. If using Rapadura or Sucanat, blend it in a dry blender until it becomes a light powder. Mix all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.

Pour into a large glass lasagna pan or something equivalent in size. Let set up at room temperature (below 70 degrees) or in the refrigerator. Cut into small candy-sized pieces. Store in the refrigerator for up to 12 months.


BananaAvo Pudding - Contributed by Mark Blackburn - Featured at August 2002 Potluck

Place 2 bananas and 2 avocados in a good blender.  Let 'er rip!  You're done!  This quantity should serve 6.  

Garnish with berries or other fruit, and/or mint leaves.  This works great with my K-tec blender.  Optional (add 2-4 soft dates).


Banana Ice Cream
A Low Calorie, Low fat, No-Sugar Delight from Nature's Pantry

By Mark Blackburn



rozen Bananas   


Feed the frozen bananas into either a champion-type juicer or a twin-titrating blade juicer
(GreenLife, GreenPower).  It may help to chill the juicer parts in the freezer beforehand for 
a small batch.  This ice cream tastes as good as any regular ice-cream but has no dairy or refined 
sugar.  It is a very tasty dessert and kids love it…and it loves (rather than harms kids like regular 

Can include frozen fruit added to the bananas as you feed them into the juicer 
such as raspberries, strawberries, mango, etc., and even coffee beans for a coffee/banana flavored
 ice cream.  Fresh fruit on top is also possible.  However, I’ve tried a lot of variations, and find that 
frozen bananas by themselves is actually my favorite.


Smooth Coco Pudding
2 T. raw carob powder, 1 avocado, meat of one young coconut, 6-8 soaked dates
Blend everything until smooth and creamy. For a frozen dessert, freeze pudding in ice cube trays, and run through champion or green life juicer.



Raw Pumpkin Pie Recipe (click on link)

Kim Glazzard's Award-Winning    Enjoyed by many during the 2004 Thanksgiving & December Holidays


Walnut Poppyseed Cake
From: Dining In The RAW by Rita Romano pg. 116

1 cup - Poppy Seeds
2 cups - Walnuts
1 cup Dates
2 cups carrot puree
2 tbsp. dried orange peel
1 tbsp. braggs
2 tbsp. psyllium seed powder

Put enough carrots to make two cups of puree through the Champion Juicer Chops walnuts into a fine consistency in the Food Processor with "S" blade. Set aside. Combine carrot puree and remaining ingredients in processor until well blended. Mix all ingredients together. Add a little more psyllium if necessary to hold cake together. Press into bundt pan and chill to set. Share with Family & Friends and Enjoy!

Honey Nut and Date Pie Crust      (The rage at our December 2003 Holiday Potluck)


This crust was used by Phyllis Polito in her delicious Pumpkin Pie.  The Pumpkin Pie portion of the recipes follows.


Created by Jackie Graff

Living Food Feasts from Shinui Retreat

Serving Size :  8 


1 cup pecans, soaked for 12 hours, drained and dehydrated for 12 hours

1 cup walnuts, soaked for 12 hours, drained and dehydrated for 12 hours

¼ cup raw honey

½ teaspoon salt

½ pound organic dates, seeds removed

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1.      Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until it begins to form a ball.

2.      Remove small amounts of piecrust.

3.      Press into a pie plate.

4.      Continue until entire pie plate is covered.  Wrap in plastic until ready to fill.  Crust may be made ahead of time and refrigerated or frozen.

5.      Crust may be used as is or dehydrated for a dryer crust.  Some of the crust may be put aside to use as crumbles on top of the pie.

Recipe from Jackie and Gideon Graff

Pumpkin Pie

Created by Jackie Graff

Living Food Feasts from Sprout Café


1 avocado, peeled and seeded

½ cup raw honey

4 dates soaked in 1 cup filtered water

2 teaspoons vanilla

1 teaspoon cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg

½ teaspoon ginger

1 teaspoon Celtic sea Salt

1 cup raw macadamias soaked 8 hours and drained

4 cups raw pumpkin, peeled

1 cup organic raisins

1 teaspoon psyllium

½ cup pumpkin seeds, washed, soaked for 8 hours, drained and dehydrated for 6-8 hours

1 Honey Nut and Date Pie Crust (see recipe above)


       1.    Place avocado, honey, vanilla, dates with soak water, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger,

              salt, macadamias, and water into blender and blend until smooth.

2.    Add pumpkin and blend until very smooth     

3.    Add psyllium and blend well.  Let this mixture sit for 10 minutes and blend well again

4.    Fold in raisins.

5.    Pour into pie crust and top with ½ cup of pumpkin seeds.

Blueberry or Cranberry Snow Cookies/Scones

- 4 apples
- 3 carrots
- 2 cups pitted dates (packed)
- 4 cups soaked almonds
- 1/2 cup Pure Joy Coconut Oil (softened but not completely melted)
- 3 cups raisins
- 4 cups shredded coconut
- 3 cups soaked walnuts or pecans (dehydrate them ahead of time for best results)
- 2 cups blueberries or cranberries (frozen work well)
- 2 cups golden flax seeds ground into meal
- 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt
- 3/4 tsp. stevia powder (optional, found in supplement section)
- 2 cups dried apples chopped fine in a food processor

Place the apples, carrots, almonds, and dates in a food processor or run through a Champion juicer alternating the wet items with the nuts and dates (very important). Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.  Shape into 2 oz. round cookies or 4 oz. scones using a 1/4 or 1/2 measuring cup.  Dehydrate at 105 degrees until desired consistency (approximately 8 hours). Refrigerated if you are keeping them more than 4 days.  Makes 60 cookies or 30 scones  Enjoy Snow Cookies/Scones with Coconut Honey Butter (the next recipe)

Coconut Honey Butter

1/2 cup Pure Joy Coconut Oil (butter)
2 Tbs. honey
1/8 tsp. Celtic salt
A very small dash of turmeric for color

Mix by hand in a small bowl with a firm spatula or fork. Store at room temp in a glass jar.


Other Recipes - Not Organized Yet

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Monkey Madness with Mojo

Ultimate pre or post work out drink.  I use this list during the winter 
/ spring time.

2 bananas,  1 scoop of frozen berries, 1 scoop of Maca, 1 scoop of hemp seeds or other seeds, 1 scoop of spirulina, 1 tiny scoop of bee pollen, 1 scoop of Super Green Power mix, 2 scoops of Red Star Nutritional powder, 2 dates with pits removed,  and 4 ice cubes in a base of FRESH pure Apple Juice - about 12 oz. + 4 oz of pure water.  Blend for 60 seconds.

This power drink will send you through your day with such energy and bounty - you will not know what you did before you had this EVERY  morning.   The list to get at the health food store is extensive and will be about  $100 - for a month supply - and worth every cent.

Raw Falafel
From Raw Power By Stephen Arlin, pg 136

1 1/2 cups - Walnuts
1 1/2 cups - Macadamia Nuts
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped chives
2 tablespoons Raw Sesame Tahini

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon Sea Salt

Soak nuts for 15 minutes, then drain. Mix all ingredients with a wooden spoon in a large mixing bowl. Then put all ingredients through a Champion Juicer with the blank plate, or a green power or green star with the tension knob removed. Add up to ½ cup water, if necessary. After processing, mix all ingredients thoroughly with clean hands. With the Falafel mixture, mixture, make a small ball (ping pong sized), then flatten the ball to make a patty. Put the patty on a mesh dehydrator tray. Continue until all the mixture is used up . Dehydrate for 8-10 hours at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Makes 35 - 40 patties. Enjoy!


Jicamashed Potatoes
4 cups jicama, chopped
1 avocado, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon Celtic salt
Blend in food processor and top with Mushroom Gravy.


Holy Frijoles
(Refried Beans)

2 cups sprouted rye from
    Rujuvelac pulp
1 apple
1 Red chili
2 teaspoons Mexican seasoning
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon Celtic salt


Whipped Sweet Potatoes 

from Chef Chad Sarno

Serves 4


1 ½  c sweet potatoes peeled and chopped

1 ½  c cauliflower chopped

1 c pine nuts

¼ c leek chopped

2 T onion powder

3 T flax oil

¼ c filtered water

½ T Celtic salt

2 T dried parsley


In food processor combine all ingredients and blend until smoothest consistency.

Continue by pouring mixture in a high speed blender and blend until completely smooth.

Adjust salt.


A number of recipes from Nomi Shannon, the raw gourmet, from her Holiday email

sent December 22.  Soups, Dressings, and 3 different pie recipes:


Cranberry Sauce
When the Pilgrims landed 380 years ago on the shores of
Massachusetts, one of the few native crops that they found was the
cranberry. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas just about everyone
serves some sort of cranberry sauce, often out of a can. If
this is is a holiday tradition for you too, bring this little
recipe along with you. Wash one pound of cranberries very well,
place in food processor or blender along with one or two peeled,
seeded oranges and about 4 soaked dates.  Add a teaspoon of orange
zest too if you want (grate off some of the orange not the white
before skinning and cutting up.) Blend until berries are very well
broken up. Taste for sweetness and add more orange and dates if
needed. Toss in some chopped walnut or pecan at the end if you want.


I brought applesauce pie (recipe from my book) to Thanksgiving last
year. On three occasions, my sister tried to "warm it up" in the
oven. Not once did I say that is a raw pie. I just quietly said,
the pie does not need warming (three times). On her third try, she
guessed that it was raw. They loved it. This pie is so dense, it
could be your meal. If you don't fancy Apple Pie then Yam pie is
also a winner, you could use pumpkin in its place. (You can freeze
the Yam pie, but not the Apple pie.)

'The Best' Applesauce Pie
This pie rivals the most infamous cooked apple pie. Unofficial
random tests have proven that the traditional omnivore's palate can
not even detect that this is a raw pie. Rich and sweet and aromatic
with cinnamon, this is another recipe to offer your skeptical
friends. They will never know what hit them.

If you like a tart pie with firm apples, the best choice is Granny
Smith apples. For a sweeter pie with softer apples, Fuji, Jonathan
gold or Macintosh all work well. I usually use 2 or 3 types of
apples for this pie, to keep the flavor uniform each time I make
it. I have an almond crust here, but walnuts or pecans work as
well. This pie will serve at least twice as many people as a cooked
pie the same size as it is very dense. For portion control, it
would probably be best if you sliced and served it yourself. Keep
the slices thin, no more than 1 inch thick at the wide end.

If you don't have a heavy duty juicer, the filling can be made in a
strong blender such as the Vita Mix or the K-tec HP3.

Basic Almond Date Crust
This crust is a variation on a theme as its ingredients can be
increased or decreased according to needs, also sunflower seeds can
be added to it, or raisins in place of some or all of the dates. As
long as you have a crust that will hold together as a knife slices
through it and doesn't become soggy from the filling it holds-you
have succeeded.

1 3/4 cup almonds, soaked 8-12 hours
1 1/2 cup date pieces or chopped dates (see note)
1 tablespoon water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
Dash of cinnamon (optional)

Soak almonds 8-12 hours After soaking, put nuts briefly (30
minutes) in the sun or dehydrator (30-60 minutes) to dry off, or
dry them off with a towel. In a food processor, process nuts until
evenly ground. Add dates and process until finely ground. Add
water, vanilla, and cinnamon while processing. The crust must
appear slightly damp and be holding together, a small amount of
additional water may be necessary to achieve this effect.
Immediately press into pie plate. (At this point you could
dehydrate if for awhile but this step is not necessary.)

Note: Date pieces can be found at some health food stores, they are
less expensive than whole dates. If you are unable to find them,
measure 1 1/2 cups of roughly chopped dates.

10-12 apples (peeled, and cored), cut in chunks
2 cups dates, pitted (medjool are the best)
1 cup raisins
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 tablespoons psyllium husk powder

Put apples, dates and raisins through a Champion or a Green Life
juicer, using a blank screen. This should yield at least 6 cups of
applesauce mixture, if it doesn't, add more apples and put through
the juicer again. For smoothest results, then place the mixture in
a food processor and process until very smooth. Add cinnamon,
process until mixed in. Gradually sprinkle in psyllium, process
until mixed in thoroughly. Immediately pour into pie shell. Cover
and refrigerate.

If you do not own a heavy duty juicer, you can get similar results
with a heavy duty blender such as a Vita Mix or a K-Tec HP3.

Sweet Potato Pie (Yam pie)

If you are wondering what recipe to prepare for friends that have
not yet been introduced to raw food, wonder no more! This delicious
pie is difficult to distinguish from its cooked (dead) cousin. This
pie freezes very well also. Let it thaw in the refrigerator.

Yams are preferable for this pie because they are a bit sweeter
than sweet potatoes. Try to find Garnet or Jewel yams at your
organic market, they are a deep orange color and make up an
excellent pie. This is a plan ahead recipe that calls for soaking
the almonds for the crust.

Prepare the same crust as for apple pie, above

6 small yams (peeled), cut up
3/4 cup dates (soak whole dates for 20 minutes, pit and coarsely
1/4 cup raisins (soak for 20 minutes, reserve soak water)
1/2 cup pine nuts (soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse)
1/8 teaspoon Chinese 5 spice powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon garam masala or cloves or additional 5 spice powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons psyllium husk powder

Using a blank screen, put yams through a Champion or Green Life
juicer, alternating with dates, raisins and pine nuts. It should
amount to at least 4 cups, if not, add more yams and put it all
through the juicer again. Place the mixture in a food processor.
Process thoroughly. Add Chinese 5 spice powder, garam masala and
vanilla. Be patient with processing, the smoother the better. After
5-6 minutes if the mixture is not very smooth add a small amount of
raisin soak water, so it will process to a smooth puree. Gradually
add psyllium, while the processor is running. Pour into crust
immediately. Keep refrigerated. Delicious served with a dollop of
one of the nut fluffs.

Note; if you do not have a heavy-duty juicer you can achieve
similar results using a heavy-duty blender.

Note: do not add extra liquid unless you have to, it is important
that the pie hold together, so it can't be too wet.

Alternative: For more intense flavor, soak fruit in the juice of 1
orange. Add 1 teaspoon orange zest to yam mixture. Increase spices
to: 1/4 teaspoon 5 spice powder, 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/8
teaspoon garam masala (same), pinch of clove, 1 teaspoon vanilla,
pinch of sea salt.

Fluff Topping
Cashews have a natural sweetness, which in combination with dates
is delectable. Soaked cashews grind up into a very smooth fluffy
mixture. It is a delightful taste to use in place of whipped cream
or yogurt, and most agree that it truly tastes better. Cashew fluff
is also used as a base for several other recipes. Most cashews are
not raw.

If using almonds, they don't quite give up their mealy texture, no
matter how much you blend, but they make a tasty topping and are
the most nutritious nut.

For best results, peel the almonds. This is more trouble and not
necessarily recommended for most recipes calling for almonds, but
it does make a difference in the fluff recipe. How to peel almonds:
Soak 10-12 hours. Rinse. Pour very hot water over them (the
equivalent of hot tap water), allow almonds to soak in the hot
water for up to one minute, rinse with cool water. The skins should
slip off. Another alternative is to use almonds that have soaked
for several days in the refrigerator, with daily water changes. The
skins can be peeled off without the use of hot water after a few

1 cup of cashews, almonds or filberts soaked 10-12 hours, drained
and rinsed.
4-6 soft pitted dates soaked in 3/4 cup water 8-10 hours. Reserve
soak water.
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)

Place nuts in blender. Grind, gradually adding date water until it
is of 'whipped cream' consistency. Add dates one at a time. Blend
until smooth and creamy. Refrigerate. Keeps well for up to a week.
Yields 2 cups.


Medjool dates are the best, but Khadrawi or Honey dates work well
Adding vanilla to the fluff gives it even more of a 'whipped cream'
If you are unable to soak the nuts and dates 8-12 hours, soak them
for at least 4 hours to achieve best results.

The final ingredient that I recommend for a harmonious holiday
season is a non-judgmental attitude. Be sure to bring it with you.
Acting repulsed or making negative remarks at the sight of turkey
or roast beef can not serve anyone. Think back to when you ate
these things and remember that life is a journey and we are not all
on the same path. To speak in any way disparagingly because they
have not grown and changed as you have defeats not only the purpose
of the true Christian holiday celebration, but also minimizes the
possibility that your loved ones will ever change through your
example. Holiday is a good day to make no comments whatsoever on
the eating habits of those whose company you are in. It would be an
equally good day for others to not speak about your food choices
either. If someone does comment on your particular food choices, no
matter what their tone-smile your biggest, happiest smile and
simply say that you FEEL SO GREAT on this diet, and that it SEEMS
to be working for you, and so as long as it continues to, you're
sticking to it. As soon as you hear yourself using the word "You"
as in You should try it, it will help your: chilblains, cancer,
obesity, cholesterol, attitude, depression, dropsy, indigestion,
skin problems, wrinkles, gas pains, infertility, marriage, athletic
ability, sex-life, know that you have entered the danger-zone of
lecture mode.




Cold Black Ink Linguini With Spicy Sesame Sauce

1 package of hijiki soaked for 30 minutes,

2 scallions chopped,

1 cup broccoli chopped

Mix together and set aside while preparing the sauce.

Spicy Sesame Sauce

1/2 cup sesame seeds,

1/2 cup almonds,

1 t. minced ginger,

1 t. minced garlic,

1 T. nama shoyu,

1 T. miso,

½ lemon juiced,

¼ t. cayenne,

2 dates soaked,

¼ cup water

Blend till creamy and pour over salad.

Found at Didi's Baking for health  along with these 3:

Quick and easy nut cheese
½ cup of Brazil nuts, ½ cup raw almonds, 1-2 cup pine nuts, ¼ red pepper, 1 clove garlic, ¼ red onion, Juice of 1 lemon, 1T. miso paste, 1/4 cup fresh basil, 1 stem Swiss chard, ¼ t. cayenne
Blend all ingredients until smooth or process in a food processor. You may need to add a little water to get the blending going. This cheese has the consistency of a ricotta. I use it as a base for many Italian dishes, such as raw lasagna or raw-violis An easy lunch idea is to place 2T. or more of nut cheese on a sheet of nori, chop up some scallion, cucumber and tomato, and roll up. Cut into rolls. Yum!

Smooth Flax Morning
1/4 Cup flax soaked over night in 2 cups water, 1 banana, 1T. lecithin granules, 1/2 t. vanilla, 1 slice of fresh ginger
Blend all together for a creamy morning meal.




 Three Great Dips  from Frédéric Patenaude
Special Hummus

2 cups peeled zucchini, chopped
4 Tbs. olive oil
1 and 1/2 lemon, juice of
3/4 cup sesame seeds (hulled)
3/4 tsp. sea salt
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp. paprika

Blend all of the ingredients in your Vita-Mix or food processor. Be sure that you use hulled sesame seeds, which are white. If you use a food processor, you should grind the seeds beforehand in a coffee grounder. Serve with vegetables.

Avocado Mayonnaise

1 avocado
1 /2 lemon, juice
2 Tbs. olive oil
2 Tbs. dulse flakes
1 tsp. curry powder
1 tsp. maple syrup, or 2 dates

In your food processor, mix the lemon juice with the avocado, and add the oil gradually with the other ingredients. You can easily double this recipe. Serve with vegetarian sushis, or use as a tip or a salad dressing.

Herbed Pumpkin Seeds Pate

1 1/3 cups pumpkin seeds
2 Tbs. olive oil
2 green onions
1/4 fresh basil
1/3 fresh parsley
2 Tbs. lemon juice
1/2 – 1 tsp. sea salt (to taste)

Soak the pumpkin seeds for 4-6 hours, or overnight, and drain. Mix with the other ingredients in your food processor. Serve with vegetables or as a base for nori rolls.




From Valya Boutenko:

Valya's Spicy Almond Cheese
from 12 Steps to Raw Foods* by Victoria Boutenko

Mix the following ingredients in a bowl:
2 cups pulp from almond milk (pulp should be plain, not sweetened)
1/4 cup olive oil*
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt*
1/4 cup fresh or dried dill weed
1/2 cup diced onions
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper

Decorate with cherry tomatoes. Serves 4.


Cinnamon Rolls with Frosting

2 ½ cups almond meal (leftover from making almond milk with the Amazing Nut-Milk, Juice, and Sprout Bag)
2 ½ cups flax meal (grind 1 1/3 cups whole flax seeds in your blender or spice grinder)
1 cup soft pitted dates, firmly packed
1/8 cup pure water
¼ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 dash cayenne
¼ cup olive oil or Pure Joy Coconut Oil (flax oil is too heat sensitive)

Blend the dates and water in a food processor or blender until it becomes a paste. Mix everything in a large bowl and work with your hands until the dough is well mixed. Place the dough on a Teflex sheet or piece of wax paper and form into a ¼" thick square using your hands to shape it. Then cover with another Teflex sheet or wax paper and roll with a rolling pin until the dough is a uniform thickness.

½ cup soft pitted dates, firmly packed
½ cup raisins
1 Tbs. cinnamon
1/8 cup water
extra raisins
½ cup soaked and dehydrated walnuts, coarsely chopped

Puree the first 4 ingredients in a food processor until the mixture becomes smooth. Spread the mixture onto dough. Sprinkle with extra raisins and walnuts. Using the Teflex sheet on the bottom to push, roll the dough tightly. Wrap the roll in the Teflex or wax paper and place in the refrigerator until chilled. Slice into desired thickness and dehydrate at 105 degrees until warm.

Optional frosting:
1 cup raw cashews or pine nuts soaked 4 or more hours
(1 ½ cups after soaking)
¾ cup water
6 Tbs. honey or dates
juice of 1 small tangerine and the entire peel
1 tsp. vanilla

Blend until smooth and creamy. Add a little extra water if you want it thinner. Drizzle on top of dehydrated cinnamon rolls.

Tip: Keep rolls in your freezer. Dehydrate as needed.


Marinated Vegetable Lasagna

3 medium yellow or green zucchinis or 2 small eggplants sliced lengthwise and marinated in the juice of 1 lemon and ½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

2 large Portobello mushrooms or equal amounts of shiitake or oyster mushrooms, chopped and marinated in Nama Shoyu or lemon and salt (see above)

1 ½ large bunches of spinach, chopped and marinated in Celtic Sea Salt and olive oil

1 cup finely chopped pine nuts for topping

2 cups sun-dried tomatoes, covered in water and soaked 2 or more hours
2 large or 5 small dates
2 cloves garlic
1/8 yellow or red onion
½ cup packed basil leaves, chopped
1 medium tomato
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
½ tsp. Italian seasoning

Puree in a food processor or Vita-Mix blender until smooth. Add soak water from tomatoes if necessary.

3 ½ cups macadamia nuts soaked 2 or more hours
½ cup pure water (you may need more)
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
½ tsp. Italian seasoning

Puree in a food processor until fluffy. Add more water as needed.
To assemble, place ½ the marinated zucchini or eggplant in the bottom of a large lasagna pan (save the marinade for a salad dressing). Then layer ½ the ricotta using your fingers to spread it evenly. Next, layer all the mushrooms. You can puree them in the food processor for a "meaty" texture. Next, place ½ the marinara sauce. Then, the zucchini/eggplant. Then layer on all the spinach
Sauce Ricotta
Top with chopped pine nuts.

If it's a sunny day, place the lasagna in the sun for a couple hours, covered by a screen for protection. Otherwise, warm it in the dehydrator on 105 degrees until mealtime.


Black Forest Cherry Brownies

4 cups soaked and dehydrated walnuts (Soak 2 ½ cups for 36 hours, rinsing every 12 hours. dehydrating is optional.)
¾ cup packed pitted dates
¾ cup raw carob powder
2 tsp. cherry extract
½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts or almonds (soaked and dehydrated for best results)
½ cup dried cherries or raisins

Puree 4 cups walnuts in a food processor until it becomes a fine meal. Add dates and continue to puree until well mixed. Add carob and cherry extract and puree again. Mix in the chopped nuts and cherries by hand. Press into a 9" square brownie pan. Refrigerate and slice. Serve with fresh sliced strawberries or raspberries or use frozen berries.

Will last for weeks in your refrigerator or freezer.


Caesar Salad
Original recipe by Blessing

1/3 cup olive oil
½ cup water
1 Tbs. miso (light)
½ lemon, juiced
1 large or 2 small dates
2 cloves garlic

Blend well in blender.


Parma Pine Cheese

1 cup pine nuts
1 ½ tsp. olive oil or flax oil
¾ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

Puree in a food processor on pulse until cheesy looking
Mix with 2 heads of romaine.


by Elaina Love and Matt Samuelson

Use romaine lettuce leaves or cabbage leaves as your tostada shell, and fill with Sunflower “Refried” Beans, Better than Beef, guacamole, salsa, and Pine Nut “Sour Cream.”



Sunflower "Refried Beans"
Serves 8-10

4 cups soaked sunflower seeds (2 ½ cups before soaking)
½ cup flax oil, hemp oil, or olive oil
3 ½ tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. chili powder
2 ½ tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 Tbs. unpasteurized dark miso paste
3 Tbs. raw tahini
1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
¾ cup pure water

Put all ingredients in a food processor and puree until creamy.
Best served warmed in the dehydrator at 105 degrees.


Better than Beef
Serves 8-10

4 cups pulp from your juicer of carrot, parsnip and/or celery root
1 cup sun-dried tomatoes, soaked one hour or more and pureed in a blender
1/3 cup olive or flax oil
1/3-½ red onion, finely minced
3 tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. garlic powder
3 tsp. chili powder
2 tsp. cumin powder
¼ tsp. cayenne
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 Tbs. unpasteurized dark miso paste


Using your hands, mix all ingredients well in a large bowl. Let sit for an hour or more for flavors to meld. Best served warmed in the dehydrator at 105 degrees.


Pine Nut or Cashew "Sour Creme"
Serves 8

1 ¼ cups pine nuts or cashews, soaked 1 hour or more
½ cup young coconut meat or ½ additional cup of nuts
1 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar
½ tsp. unpasteurized light miso paste
¼ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 ½ Tbs. lemon juice (about ½ lemon)

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy.
Will keep for up to 2 week in the refrigerator.



1 large or 2 small ripe avocados
1 tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
2 tsp. lemon juice

Use a fork to mash the avocado and seasonings.
To maintain the green color, leave an avocado pit in the guacamole.


Serves 2

Juice of 4 oranges
Juice of ½ lemon & ½ lime
2 cups pure water or coconut water
2-3 large pitted dates
1 cup hibiscus flower sun-tea
optional: dash of stevia for sweeter flavor

Blend dates thoroughly with 1 cup liquid. Add the remaining mixture to the blender and blend for 10 seconds. Serve at room temperature.

Garnish with ½ cup thinly sliced strawberries or other fresh seasonal fruit


Coconut Flan with Orange Glaze
Serves 2

2 cups young coconut meat, packed
¼ cups pitted dates, packed
2 ½ tsp. vanilla
1 ½ tsp. psyllium powder
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
¼-1/3 cup coconut water

Put all the ingredients in the blender. Start with ¼ cup coconut water, and add more if needed. The mixture should be a very thick consistency. Pour into a pie or brownie dish or individual tart molds. Layer the top with the orange glaze.

Orange Glaze:
2 cups orange juice
1 ½ cup pitted dates, packed
¾ tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
2 tsp. psyllium powder
Blend 1 cup of juice with the dates until creamy. Add remaining ingredients and blend well.




Hemp Corn Chips

Approximately 175 chips

6 cups fresh or frozen corn
1 cup hemp seeds
10 cups soaked sunflower seeds (6 cups before soaking)
2 ¾ cups water
1 ½ cups flax seeds ground into a meal
1 ½ Tbs. Celtic Sea Salt
juice of 1 lime

Puree corn in a food processor until creamy. Place in a mixing bowl. Puree sunflower seeds with water until creamy and add to the mixing bowl. Add remainder of ingredients and mix well.
Spread 2 1/ 2 cups of the batter on a 16" dehydrator tray covered with a Teflex sheet. Cut into desired shapes: triangles, squares, circles, etc. Dehydrate for 24-30 hours at 105 degrees until crispy. Remove the Teflex sheets after about 10 hours.


Salsa Fresca
Serves 2-4

2 large tomatoes, diced
½ medium red onion, finely minced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ jalapeno or more to taste, finely minced
juice of 1 lemon or lime
½ cup cilantro leaves, chopped
½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt, or more to taste
Optional: 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
Optional: 2 Tbs. sun-dried tomatoes, pureed

Mix ingredients in a bowl. For best flavor, let sit 1 hour or more so flavors meld.


Hearty Chili
Makes 6 cups

Marinated vegetables:
1 medium zucchini, chopped into ½" cubes
1 medium carrot, chopped into ¼" cubes
½ medium or 1 small eggplant, peeled and chopped into ½" cubes
1 small Portobello mushroom or 5 shiitake mushrooms, chopped into cubes
3 cloves crushed garlic
1 medium roma tomato, chopped into ½" chunks
¼ medium red onion, chopped
3 ½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 Tbs. lemon juice
2 Tbs. olive oil

Mix above ingredients and place in a quart-sized jar. Press down hard to cover the vegetables completely with the salt, lemon, and oil. If necessary, put a small glass or jar inside to weight the vegetables down. Cover and let marinade preferably overnight, or at least 4-6 hours.

Hearty Chili sauce:
1 large tomato
1 cup sun-dried tomatoes, soaked with enough water to cover
¼ cup olive oil
1 ½ cups purified water
1 Tbs. Spicy Chili Sauce (see recipe) or 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
½ tsp. celery seed
½ tsp. oregano
½ tsp. cumin
1 ½ tsp. chili powder
6 pieces of cornbread, chopped into 1" pieces (do not blend)

Blend above ingredients except cornbread on high until smooth.
Pour blender mixture over marinated vegetables (make sure they have marinated long enough to be soft before doing this step)
Add cornbread and mix everything together. Serve warmed to 115 degrees and top with Cashew Sour Cream (see recipe)



1 ½ cups dry golden flax seeds ground into meal or soaked 4-8 hours and ground in a Vita-Mix blender (blend dry seeds first before getting your blender wet)
2 cups soaked raw almonds (1 ¼ cups before soaking) soaked 4-8 hours or 3 cups almond meal left over from almond milk and ½ cup oil
2 cups raw cashews or 1 cup raw cashew butter
1 cup pine nuts
1 10 oz bag of frozen corn or fresh off the cob
¼ cup raw honey
2 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
2 cloves garlic

Put almonds in the blender with enough water to cover, and blend until creamy. Use a celery stalk as your spatula to keep things moving in the blender. If you are using almond meal instead of almonds, put 3 cups of almond meal in a large mixing bowl with ½ cup melted coconut butter or olive oil.

Blend cashews as you did the almonds, or add the cashew butter to the bowl.

Blend pine nuts, corn, and honey or maple syrup in the blender until creamy. You can stop blending while the corn is a little chunky if you like. You may need to add a little water to blend.

Put all ingredients in the bowl and mix well. Let sit for 15 minutes.

Spread the batter onto a 16" dehydrator tray covered with a Teflex sheet. Make the bread about ¼" thick. Score into 25 squares with the edge of your spatula or a butter knife. You should fill at least 2 trays.

Dry at 105 degrees for about 3 hours. Flip the bread and remove the Teflex sheet. Dry for another 3 hours or until bread is still very moist and is easy to lift. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Enjoy topped with sweet honey "butter."


Meltaway Peppermint Patties

Have outrageously healthy and delicious fudge in less than 30 minutes!

Mint layer:
3 cups dry, raw shredded coconut
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
½ tsp. mint extract or 3 drops peppermint essential oil

Chocolate or carob layer:
3 cups dry, raw shredded coconut
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
1/8 cup organic cocoa powder or raw carob powder
(add until mixture reaches desired color)
½ tsp. vanilla extract
a smidgen of cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt

Blend the first 3 cups of coconut in a dry blender on low speed with the lid off. Use a spatula to keep things moving until the mixture becomes the consistency of butter. Make sure you do not blend so long that you separate all the oil from the coconut. This step is tricky, and takes a good blender like a Vita-Mix. If you don't have a Vita-Mix, you can still blend, although you may need to separate the coconut into 2 batches.

Remove the coconut and put in a mixing bowl. Add the sweetener and mint extract. Use a spatula to mix well. Set aside.

Blend the coconut for the chocolate layer. Mix the coconut in a bowl by hand with the rest of the ingredients.

Separate the chocolate mixture into two halves. Take one half, and press it into the bottom of a 4" square baking dish or other container. Put it in the freezer for 5 minutes until it is solid.

Remove your dish from the freezer and add all of the mint layer. Place in the freezer again for a couple minutes.

Add the second half of the chocolate mixture to the top of the mint layer. Freeze again until solid or refrigerate.

Pop the meltaways out of the container by twisting or pry out with a spatula. Place on a cutting board, and cut your meltaways into the desired shape using a sharp, thin knife.

Enjoy often!


Easy Avocado Burritos

1/2 large or 1 small ripe avocado ( a ripe avocado should yield under the pressure of your thumb)
1/2 tsp. organic onion powder
1/4 tsp.Celtic sea salt
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 or more fresh Romaine leaves
1/4 cup of your favorite raw organic salsa from the health food store or fresh chopped tomatoes

Use a fork to mash the avocado and seasonings. Place the guacamole in the lettuce leaf and top with salsa or tomatoes and sprouts. Wrap it up and eat it like a burrito.

**Stretch those avocados! If you just don't have enough ripe avocados to make guacamole here's a little trick: For every medium avocado you use, blend 1 stalk of celery and 2 tsp. avocado or olive oil until creamy, then mix with the avocado (a great way to get kids to eat celery too).


Nut Nog

serves 3

cup soaked almonds (1/2 cup before soaking 8-12 hours)
1/4 cup pine nuts (unsoaked)
2-1/2 cups pure water

Blend the nuts and water together until smooth. Pour through the Amazing Nut Milk, Juice and Sprout Bag. Squeeze the bag until all the liquid is out. Save the pulp for Cinnamon Rolls.

2 frozen bananas
5 medium dates, pitted (soak if firm and use the soak water in place of water)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1/16th of a vanilla bean (scrape the black beans from the center)
2 tsp. flax or almond oil
pinch of Celtic sea salt

Blend mixture together and serve immediately. If you want to make ahead of time, use unfrozen bananas and chill. Will last for 1-2 days in the refrigerator.

Marinated Kale Salad
(From Elaina's Pure Joy Kitchen Recipe Book)

A tender and delicious mix of kale and avocado with a kickin' marinade. If you've wondered about raw kale, go for it, it's better than you can imagine! It's a big hit with kids and is loaded with calcium.

- 1 bunch fresh dinosaur or red Russian kale, stems removed and ripped into bite sized pieces
- 1/4 large red onion, very thinly sliced
- 1 medium green or yellow zucchini, julienned or 5 shitake mushrooms, thinly sliced.
- 2 medium avocados, chunked (add after you massage the salad)

- 3/4 cup olive or flax oil
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt
- 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper (add after massaging the salad)
- 1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)

Pour the first 3 ingredients of the marinade right onto the torn kale leaves. Use your hands to massage and squeeze the kale. This will work the salt and lemon in and help to make the kale tender. Continue to knead the salad until it begins to soften.

Add the avocado and cayenne pepper and garlic if you like. Mix well and serve.
This salad gets better as it sits. It will last for 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator.


Fresh Strawberry Pie
by Elaina Love
serves 8

Fresh Strawberry Pie

- 1 ½ cups dehydrated almonds, walnuts or pecans (3/4 cup before soaking)
- 3/4 cup soft pitted dates
- ½ tsp. Celtic sea salt
- a pinch of cayenne pepper

Puree the nuts in a food processor until they are like flour. Add the remainder of ingredients and puree until the mixture sticks together or forms a ball.
Press into a pie plate.

- 2/3 cup firmly packed, pitted dates
- 1 1/3 cup berries (any kind of berry works great)
- 4-6 cups berries (slice if using strawberries)
- 2 Tbs. psyllium husk powder

Blend the dates and 1 1/3 cup berries in a blender or food processor until well mixed
Mix the blended mixture in with the 4 cups berries and psyllium. Fill the pie shell and refrigerate.

Cucumber Tomato Surprise - The surprise is how easy it is!

- 1 medium tomato, chopped
- 1 small cucumber peeled in stripes and chopped (seeds removed if big)
- 1 large avocado cut into cubes
- 1 half of a lemon or lime squeezed
- 1 half to 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt
- 1 Tbs. of olive oil (optional for a richer flavor)

Mix everything together and enjoy!

No-Bean Hummus

  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • 3 medium zucchini, peeled, in chunks
  • 3/4 C tahini
  • 3/4 C sesame seeds, soaked
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • Dash cumin
  • Dash cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp. sea salt, or to taste
  • Water to thin, about 1/3 C
  • Garnishes: Crudites, to serve; minced parsley and paprika, to sprinkle; and additional olive oil, to drizzle

Puree all ingredients in a food processor. Sprinkle with parsley and paprika, drizzle with additional olive oil and serve with crudites. Serves 8.







  "Raw Dressings- Cauliflower Avocado dip"

~ Take two ripe avocadoes (the bigger the better)
~ one medium cauliflower (chopped)
~ half cup chopped green onions
~ one garlic clove
~ half cup chopped parsley
~ Juice of two lemons
~ four tablespoons flax seed oil
~ tablespoon Dulse powder
~ Braggs to taste

blend all ingredients add water until you reach disired consistency. add some tahini or cayene powder


Energy Soup - Southwest Style

1 cup sunflower sprouts (put in bottom of blender).
Add juice of 1 lemon.
Stuff blender with buckwheat and sunflower greens until full.
Fill blender 3/4 full of filtered or spring water.
Add flax sprouts or any other sprout on hand.

Blend until smooth.

Add avocado and blend 30 seconds more.

Serve in soup bowls.
Use condiments:  Braggs Aminos, cayenne pepper.

-from Creative Health Institute, MI


Matt Amsden:

Water from 1 Thai coconut.
1/4 cup distilled/ spring/ filtered water.
1/4 cup stone pressed olive oil.
1/8 cup Nama Shoyu (an unpasteurized soy sauce).
1/8 cup fresh lemon juice.
2 cups cauliflower.
2–3 ribs celery.
1/3 cup raw macadamia nuts.
1/2 tsp. curry powder.
3-4 cloves peeled garlic.

1. In a blender, combine all ingredients and thoroughly blend.
2. Serve garnished with chopped cauliflower florets.





4 Recipes made with Tahini

(from The Raw Gourmet (Alive Books, 1999) by Nomi Shannon)

Reprinted with permission of the author.



Frozen Vanilla Bliss

This tastes very much like dairy soft serve ice cream, only better. Not only

is it a great way to start your day but it also makes a healthy snack. Use

more tahini if you are a bodybuilder or are trying to increase your (good)

fat, protein and calorie intake. Bodybuilders might try 1 cup of water, 4

tablespoons of tahini and 2 frozen bananas. The addition of carob or other

fruit works very well in this recipe--let your imagination run wild! If you

prefer a sweeter drink, add one or two soaked dates, or a bit of maple syrup

(which is not raw).

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons raw tahini, or more to taste

1-2 frozen bananas, cut in chunks

Dash vanilla (optional)

In blender, combine water, tahini, banana and vanilla. Blend until thick and

smooth. Serve immediately. Serves 1.



Creamy Carrot Asparagus Soup

This could be called the king of soups. The fiber in the asparagus creates a

delightful texture, and the tahini gives the soup a smooth quality. Do not

use the woody ends of the asparagus; chop only the most tender part, about

two inches from the end. (Vegetarian dogs are known to love the woody ends

of the asparagus; they chew on them like a bone!)

1 cup carrot juice

1 cup coarsely chopped asparagus, or more to taste

2 heaping tablespoons raw tahini or almond butter

1 teaspoon chopped onion, or more to taste

nama shoyu (a raw soy sauce) or celtic sea salt, to taste

Dulse flakes, to taste

In a blender, combine the carrot juice, asparagus, tahini, onion, nama shoyu

and dulse flakes. Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Taste and adjust

the seasonings. Yields approximately 1 1/2 cups. Serves 1.

Variation: Heat soup in the top of a double boiler or over very low heat

until it is warm to the touch. For extra spice, stir in 1/2 teaspoon wasabi



Orange Tahini Dressing

This delightful light dressing only takes a few minutes to make. Its

simplicity invites variation. Try adding 1-2 teaspoons tamari (a soy sauce

made without wheat), or 2 teaspoons poppy seeds and 1/4 teaspoon Chinese

5-spice powder.

2 tablespoons raw tahini

1/2 cup fresh orange juice

1 teaspoon dulse flakes

1 teaspoon grated ginger root

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon curry powder

Pinch sea salt

In a small bowl, place the tahini. Add the orange juice gradually, blending

it with the tahini. Add the dulse, ginger, cinnamon, curry, and salt. Yields

approximately 1/2 cup.



Halvah is a candy popular in the Middle East, where it is made from ground

sesame seeds. This is far superior to the store bought variety. For a

lighter version, make this recipe with the almond pulp leftover from making

almond milk. (Use the almond pulp the day you make it.)

1 1/2 cup raw almonds

1/2 cup raw tahini

3 tablespoons honey (or 3-4 soaked dates)

1 teaspoon vanilla


In a food processor, place almonds and process until finely ground. Add the

tahini, honey and vanilla, and process thoroughly. Press the mixture onto a

plate or pan until it is 1/2" (1 cm) thick (don't worry about filling the

pan, just press the mixture to the correct thickness). Chill the halvah in

the refrigerator for 1 hour or more, then cut it into bite-sized pieces and

roll into little balls. Yields 20-24 pieces.

Variation: Add 3 tablespoons carob to mixture.


"Raw Guacamole"
~ Take three ripe avocadoes (the bigger the better)
~ Three medium size jalapeno peppers
~ One medium onion

~ One medium tomato
~ Juice of one half lemon
~ Teaspoon sea salt or tablespoon Dulse powder
Puree ingredients listed above in food processor till well mixed ( almost runny) don’t worry about runny consistency. Mix in ½ cup or more of fresh chopped parsley (washed but well dried) this will flavor and add consistency. A little Cilantro is nice too.
Should be eaten right away, looks great but will change color fast, good for two days in fridge.


"Raw Humus"

Mark's comments:  I tried this one as I like pumpkin seeds & used them where the recipe calls for them or sunflower seeds.  It turned out green (also due to the high amount of parsley).  It was way too salty for me.  Cut out  the salt entirely especially if you add any braggs).

1. One cup SPOUTED chick peas (not canned or boiled)
2. One half cup of shelled SOAKED sunflower or pumpkin seeds (raw not roasted)
3. One lemon
4. Two cloves of garlic
5. One half to one cup of fresh chopped parsley
6. Two table spoons cold pressed flax seed oil
7. One tea spoon. of sea salt or one table spoon of ground kelp or ground dulse.
8. A pinch of ground cayenne pepper
9. some Soya-sauce or brags aminos to taste

Soak one cup of chick peas and ½ cup of pumpkin or sunflower seeds for 12 to 18 hours rinse and shake or towel dry put into processor blend or process to a pasty consistency add two table spoons flax seed oil, the juice of 1 lemon, and the pulp of two cloves of finely chopped or pressed garlic blend again add ½ cup of finely chopped fresh parsley add sea salt or kelp/dulse If you desire and hand stir into mix. Add Soya-sauce or brags aminos to taste (poppy seeds go great into this mix too).

This high enzyme nutritionally superior humus tastes great. It makes a great fresh veggie dip or stands alone as a side dish. Lasts at least 4 days refrigerated.


The next 4 recipies from the new book “Raw Soups, Salads and Smoothies,” by Frédéric Patenaude


Djitsu Cream

3 tomatoes
4 Tbs. water
1/2 lemon, juice of
12 black sundried olives, pitted
1/3 cup fresh parsley
1 green onion

Blend everything together and serve. Don’t forget to take the pits out of the olives! The flavors in this soup are intense. With no water and less tomatoes, it could be served as a dip.

Green Cuke

6 small cucumbers, peeled and chopped
2 green onions
1/4 cup fresh dill
1/4 cup fresh parsley
3 cups romaine lettuce
2 avocados
pinch of sea salt (to taste)

Blend the cucumbers together, adding water only if you really need to. Add the rest of the ingredients progressively. You have to try this one out!


Fennel Delights

3 cups of fennel, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 yellow pepper, diced
1 celery rib, diced
1/2 avocado, diced
2 Tbs. olive oil
6-8 sundried tomatoes, soaked and chopped

Soak the sundried tomatoes in advance for at least one hour. Mix all of the ingredients and be prepared for something delicious!


Green Spirulina Smoothie

1 cup water
1 cup papaya
1 large mango
1-2 tsp. spirulina powder (or flakes)
1 tsp. olive oil, or coconut butter (optional)

Blend everything together and be prepared for something delicious. This is my favorite smoothie recipe of all time (inspired by my friend Surya’s recipe)!



Next 5 Recipes: Copyright By Vital Creations, LLC (Chad Sarno) 


Baby Spicy Mesclun Salad with Miso -Citrus dressing and Candied Walnuts

Serves 4, with left over dressing

This is a wonderful light summer salad, the sweet dressing really compliments the bitter spiciness of the baby greens to gift you a burst of summer.


 2 good size handfuls of baby spicy mesclum mix, (my favorite mix is with arugula, dandelion and mustard)

1 carrot shredded course

a few slices of red onion sliced paper thin

¼ c orange juice

¼ c olive or flax oil

1 clove of garlic

½ T ginger

2 T white miso

Pinch of Sea Salt


Using a blender or whisk, blend together the orange, oil, miso, garlic, ginger and salt until smooth.

Toss all ingredients in a small mixing bowl with desired amount of dressing. Serve with fresh sprouts.



Candied Walnuts

Makes 4 ½ cups


3 cups walnuts soaked over night in filtered water

¼ c date paste, or 3 T maple sugar

½ T cinnamon

T mesquite meal (optional)

¼ t cayenne

½ T Celtic Sea Salt


After straining the walnuts, toss all ingredients well, until thoroughly mixed.

Spread mixture on dehydrator sheet and continue to dehydrate for 12-14 hours.

Store in sealed container



Sweet Ginger Corn Cakes

Serves 4


1 c corn meal,( fresh kernels dried and ground)

2 ½ c almond flour (easiest made by dehydrating almond milk pulp and grinding to a flour)

1 c flax meal, ground course

1 c corn kernels

1 c bell pepper diced

1 c water

1 ½ T onion powder

T ginger minced fine, (a fine zester works best)

2 t dried parsley

2 t celtic salt

½ t black pepper

1 ½ t mustard powder

¼ c olive oil

2 ½ T mesquite flour


Hand mix all ingredients. You may need to hold back on a bit of the almond flour to get desired consistency. Form into small patties, place on dehydrator sheets and continue to dehydrate at 110 degrees for 3-5 hours

Serve with a fresh Coriander Aioli.



Fresh Coriander Aioli

Makes 1 ½ cups


2 c coconut meat

¼ c cashews soaked 10-12 hours or pine nut

3 T olive oil

1 T coconut butter (optional)

1 T lemon juice

2 T date paste

2 cloves garlic

1 t Celtic salt

¼ c Fresh cilantro, stalk cut.


In high speed blender, blend all ingredients until smooth, may need to add water to get desired consistency. Pipe with a pastry bag onto ginger corn cakes.



Seasonal Fruit Crumble

Serves 4


 4 cups Seasonal fruit sliced thin

1/2 c raisins soaked 2-4 hours or dates pitted

T cinnamon

1/2 T lemon juice

t nutmeg

1/2 t Celtic salt

2 c pecans soaked 10-12 hours and dehydrated or just unsoaked

1 c dates pitted

¼ c dried coconut


In high speed blender, blend 1 cup seasonal fruit, soaked raisins, cinnamon, lemon juice, nutmeg and Celtic salt until smooth. Pour sauce over remaining 3 cups of  thinly sliced fruit and toss well. Continue by spreading an even layer of fruit mixture in a medium size lasagna pan, set aside.  Next, in a food processor pulse the pecans until finely ground then add the dates and coconut and continue to grind until evenly mixed. Crumble an even layer of pecan mixture over apples. Dehydrate whole pan at 110 degrees for 2-4 hours.

Serve warm with Coconut Crème.

Apple, peach and strawberry are my fruits of choice for this recipe.



Almond Chai

Serves 2


3 c plain nut milk or coconut milk

½ T ginger juice, (the easiest way to make juice is simply by mincing it first in the food processor, then squeeze the pulp in a nut milk bag or cheesecloth)

¼ t nutmeg ground

½ T cinnamon

1 ½ T carob powder

½ t cardamom ground

2 T maple syrup or 3 dates

pinch of Celtic salt

pinch of Black pepper


In vita mix blend all ingredient until smooth



Pumpkin Seed Butter Dressing [554]
From Omega Nutrition's Website
1 bunch Parsley
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) Omega Nutrition’s Sunflower Oil
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) Omega Nutrition’s Pumpkin Seed Butter
1 ½ Tbsp. (17 ml) Organic Lemon Juice
¼ tsp.(1 ml) Sea salt
½ cup (120 ml) Water (optional)

Blend ingredients in blender and serve over rice or as salad dressing (use remaining ½ cup water for salad dressing).


4 New Recipes from Chef Chad Sarno:

Endive Cups with Ragout of Wild Mushrooms

and Chili Tamarind Sauce

Serves 4-6


18 small Belgium endive leaves

3 c assorted wild mushrooms sliced thin

3 T Spring onion Minced

¼ c red bell pepper diced small

¼ c  thick tamarind juice

2 T maple syrup or Raisin paste

2 T ginger minced

½ T fresh Thai chili minced (optional)

1 ½ t lime zest

2 ½ T Shoyu

2 T olive oil

t Celtic salt


In medium bowl toss together the thinly sliced mushrooms, spring onions and diced bell peppers, leaving T spring onions on the side.

In separate bowl whisk together the tamarind, sweetener, ginger, lime zest, Shoyu, oil and salt.

Toss marinade with mushrooms and allow to marinate for up to 1 hour.

Take 2 T marinated mushroom mixture and place on each endive leave.

Arrange tree on a plate and garnish with minced onion.



Trio of Shaved Cabbages with Sweet Sesame Vinaigrette

Serves 6


1 c finely shredded Napa cabbage

1 c finely shredded green cabbage

1 c finely shredded red cabbage

½ c red and yellow bell pepper julienne thin

1 c Asian bean sprouts

¼ c olive oil

3 T Nama Shoyu

3 T maple, or date paste

T minced garlic

T minced ginger

½ T toasted sesame oil (optional)

½ T hot pepper minced

½ t Celtic salt


in 3 small bowls separate the three cabbages. Add an even amount to each bowl the bell pepper and Asian bean sprouts. Set aside.

In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, Shoyu, sweetener, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, hot pepper and salt.

Before serving toss each bowl with equal amount of dressing.

For service, place a small mound of each cabbage around the plate, garnish with seasoned nuts



Shitake Croquette with Purees of Yellow and Red Peppers

Serves 8


2 ½ c walnuts soaked 10-12 hours

1 c pine nuts

1 c red and yellow bell pepper diced

1 ½ T ginger minced fine

2 cloves garlic minced

1 ½ T lemon juice

1 c broccoli chopped in small florets

1 ½ t Celtic salt

3 T basil shredded fine

¼ c cilantro chopper fine

1 ½  c shitakes sliced paper thin

1 ½  T Nama Shoyu

2 T olive oil


Marinate the shitakes in the Nama Shoyu and olive oil, allow to marinate for 10-20 minutes and set aside. Homogenize the walnuts and pine nuts, hand mix in remaining ingredients, including the shitakes and marinate until thoroughly mixed. On dehydrator sheets form mixture into small ½ dollar size burgers and allow to dehydrate for 5-7 hours.

To plate, pour a small amount of red and yellow bell pepper puree (see below) on different sides of the plate so they meet in the middle. Place 2-3 croquettes in the middle of the puree, top croquettes with micro-greens or sweet pea shoots


Bell pepper puree:


2 peppers chopped

T olive oil

½ T ginger

½ T cumin

¼ t Celtic salt


In high-speed blender, blend ingredients until smooth. Serve with shitake croquettes.




Homemade Raw V-8 Juice

Raw V8 Juice

6 medium-sized carrots
1 small beet (wash well)
3 large tomatoes
1 bag baby spinach
1/4 head fresh cabbage
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
3 stalks celery
1/4 sweet onion
1/2 clove garlic or less if you don't care for garlic
Kale leaves (a little goes a long way so be careful)
Chili pepper and salt to taste

Run all the vegetables through your juicer, add salt to
taste, and then sit back and enjoy the healthiest V-8 juice
around. Tabasco sauce to taste can be substituted for the
chili pepper.


Pumpkin Seed Butter Dressing


1 bunch Parsley
1 Tbsp (15 ml) Omega Nutrition High-O™ Sunflower Oil Blend
2 Tbsp (30 ml) Omega Nutrition Pumpkin Seed Butter
1 1/2 Tbsp (22 ml) Organic lemon juice
1/4 tsp (1 ml) Sea salt
1/2 cup (120 ml) Water (optional)

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Blend ingredients in blender and serve over rice or as salad dressing (use remaining 1/2 cup water for salad dressing).


Nut Butter


2 cups (480 ml) Crispy nuts, such as peanuts, almonds, or cashews
3/4 cup (180 ml) Omega Nutrition Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp (30 ml) Raw honey
1 tsp (5 ml) Sea salt


Place nuts and sea salt in a food processor, and grind to a fine powder. Add honey and Coconut Oil, and process until "butter" becomes smooth. The resulting "butter" will be somewhat liquid, but will harden when chilled. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Serve at room temperature.



Date Nut Treats:

Lately I have been enjoying this simple treat. It is especially nice
right before exercising, as it seems to give me lots of energy:

I just take a couple of organic medjool dates, and cut them lengthwise
in half. Then I fill the little indentation, left from removing the pit,
with a raw nut butter. These taste better than any candy to me, and is enough
to tide me over to the next meal, when I don't want to eat anything too
filling, like right before a workout.
Coconut Flan with Orange Glaze
Serves 2
2 cups young coconut meat, packed
¼ cups pitted dates, packed
2 ½ tsp. vanilla
1 ½ tsp. psyllium powder
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
¼-1/3 cup coconut water

Put all the ingredients in the blender. Start with ¼ cup coconut water, and add more if needed.
The mixture should be a very thick consistency. Pour into a pie or brownie dish or individual
tart molds. Layer the top with the orange glaze.

Orange Glaze:
2 cups orange juice
1 ½ cup pitted dates, packed
¾ tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
2 tsp. psyllium powder
Blend 1 cup of juice with the dates until creamy. Add remaining ingredients and blend well.

Hemp Corn Chips
Approximately 175 chips

6 cups fresh or frozen corn
1 cup hemp seeds
10 cups soaked sunflower seeds (6 cups before soaking)
2 ¾ cups water
1 ½ cups flax seeds ground into a meal
1 ½ Tbs. Celtic Sea Salt
juice of 1 lime

Puree corn in a food processor until creamy. Place in a mixing bowl. Puree sunflower seeds with
water until creamy and add to the mixing bowl. Add remainder of ingredients and mix well.
Spread 2 1/ 2 cups of the batter on a 16" dehydrator tray covered with a Teflex sheet. Cut into
desired shapes: triangles, squares, circles, etc. Dehydrate for 24-30 hours at 105 degrees until
crispy. Remove the Teflex sheets after about 10 hours.

Nut Nog
serves 3

cup soaked almonds (1/2 cup before soaking 8-12 hours)
1/4 cup pine nuts (unsoaked)
2-1/2 cups pure water

Blend the nuts and water together until smooth. Pour through the Amazing Nut Milk, Juice and
Sprout Bag. Squeeze the bag until all the liquid is out. Save the pulp for Cinnamon Rolls.

2 frozen bananas
5 medium dates, pitted (soak if firm and use the soak water in place of water)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1/16th of a vanilla bean (scrape the black beans from the center)
2 tsp. flax or almond oil
pinch of Celtic sea salt

Blend mixture together and serve immediately. If you want to make ahead of time, use unfrozen
bananas and chill. Will last for 1-2 days in the refrigerator.

Easy Avocado Burritos
1/2 large or 1 small ripe avocado ( a ripe avocado should yield under the pressure of your
1/2 tsp. organic onion powder
1/4 tsp.Celtic sea salt
1 tsp. lemon juice
2 or more fresh Romaine leaves
1/4 cup of your favorite raw organic salsa from the health food store or fresh chopped tomatoes

Use a fork to mash the avocado and seasonings. Place the guacamole in the lettuce leaf and top
with salsa or tomatoes and sprouts. Wrap it up and eat it like a burrito.

**Stretch those avocados! If you just don't have enough ripe avocados to make guacamole here's a
little trick: For every medium avocado you use, blend 1 stalk of celery and 2 tsp. avocado or
olive oil until creamy, then mix with the avocado (a great way to get kids to eat celery too).

1 large or 2 small ripe avocados
1 tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
2 tsp. lemon juice

Use a fork to mash the avocado and seasonings.
To maintain the green color, leave an avocado pit in the guacamole.
Sunflower "Refried Beans"
Serves 8-10

4 cups soaked sunflower seeds (2 ½ cups before soaking)
½ cup flax oil, hemp oil, or olive oil
3 ½ tsp. onion powder
2 tsp. chili powder
2 ½ tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 Tbs. unpasteurized dark miso paste
3 Tbs. raw tahini
1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
¾ cup pure water

Put all ingredients in a food processor and puree until creamy.
Best served warmed in the dehydrator at 105 degrees.

Caesar Salad
Original recipe by Blessing
1/3 cup olive oil
½ cup water
1 Tbs. miso (light)
½ lemon, juiced
1 large or 2 small dates
2 cloves garlic

Blend well in blender.

Nut dressing
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice
ground nuts
Combine ingredients and beat thoroughly.

French dressing
1 cup olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 tsp sea salt
grated onion
chopped parsley
Put all ingredients into a jar and shake well.

Honey garlic dressing
green onions parsley
lemon juice
Chop up onion, parsley, pimiento and garlic. Combine with remaining ingredients and mix
thoroughly together.

Cucumber Dressing
1 medium cucumber
1 small-medium tomato
2 ribs of celery
Chop all ingredients, place in blender, and blend until smooth.


1 medium green onion
1 medium clove garlic
4 sprigs parsley
¾ tsp. sea salt
3 Tbsp. tahini
1 cup Original Rice Dream
1 Tbsp. umeboshi plum paste or plums
1/3 cup oil

Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor; blend until smooth. Adjust seasonings to
taste. Yields: 6 servings or 1 ½ cups.
Carrot/Avocado Dressing

1 cup fresh carrot juice
1 avocado

Blend avocado and carrot juice in blender. Use as dip for raw vegetables, or sauce for steamed
vegetables, potato, grains. Also good as a salad dressing.
Carrot Juice Dressing

½ cup raw almond butter
½ cup fresh carrot juice

Blend all ingredients in blender. Great topping for potatoes, steamed vegetables, and grains.
May also be used as salad dressing or dip for raw vegetables.
Best Salad Dressing!

1 ripe avocado
1 rib celery
1 small tomato
1 small cucumber
1 tsp. distilled water

Blend all ingredients in blender, adding just enough water to make a puree.
Flax Spread
4 tablespoons raw flax seeds
1/2 lemon, juiced
1/2 teaspoon Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids
2 tablespoons of water

Grind the flax seeds to a powder using a coffee or seed grinder. Add the remaining ingredients
and mix into a paste.

Pinenut Basil Dressing

1 cup pine nuts soaked overnight
1 cup filtered water
2 cups fresh basil
1 Tablespoons Nama Soy

1. Blend soaked pine nuts in a food processor with basil, water, and soy until creamy.

Guacamole Dip
by Rhonda of Hallelujah Acres
2 very ripe avocados
2 Tbsp. onion, chopped fine
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 red pepper, cut fine
1/2 green pepper, cut fine  (Raw Sacramento does not recommend Green Peppers, as they are not ripe.  Substitute with Yellow or Red)
1 medium ripe tomato, peeled and chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped fine
1 Tbsp. lime or lemon juice

Halve the avocados, remove pits and scoop flesh into a glass container. Mash with a fork and
blend in remaining ingredients. Serve as quickly as possible. Serve w/ fresh veggies.
Yummy Salad Dressing or Dip
by Wendi Diane
Sesame Seed or Almond Butter
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (cold pressed unfiltered reccomended)
Braggs Apple Cider Vinger
Braggs Liquid Aminos (optional)
Cayenne Pepper
Clove of Crushed Garlic

Take equal parts of raw sesame or almond butter, extra virgin olive oil, and water, dribbles to
taste of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and Amino Acids (I know, controversial), cayenne pepper,
and a clove of crushed garlic.

Blend it in a food processor, or if blender, crush the clove. YUM! Great with all and any
veggies. Amounts are approximate...experimentation is good

Zesty Dressing for salads
by Cathy

Mix together equal parts lemon juice, orange juice and lime juice.
Add fresh minced garlic
fresh dill and your favorite salad herbs
pinch of celtic salt
(can blend in avocado or olive oil if desired)
Chill to blend flavors
Serve over tossed salad
Creamy Avocado Mayo
David Jubb

An unsurpassably fantastic recipe, slightly modified:

2 avocados
3T walnut or other oil
2T honey
1 cup pecans
1/3 cup rejuvelac or water
(some) cider vinegar
dashes of lemon juice, sea salt
horseradish mustard to taste (for a bit more character)

Grind nuts to a meal. Put oil in blender, adding chunks of avocado. Slowly add nut meal, blend
til all is smooth. Add honey and other things, to taste.

Fantastic! Try on celery, crackers, etc. This is like a hummus to the nth power.


Thai Guacamole
Courtesy of Jen
1 avocado, pitted and peeled
1 cup green beans
3tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp minced ginger root
1 tbsp chopped, seeded jalapeno
2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp curry
1/4 cup minced cilantro.


Puree avocado, beans and lime juice until smooth. stir in all other ingredients.
(To taste- this is VERY garlicky, so if you want, you can reduce the garlic)
Play around with it; it comes out interesting any way you look at it! Yields about 12 servings.

Magic Wands - Gabriel Cousens

1 ½ C pine nuts, unsoaked
1 C walnuts, soaked
¾ C water
¼ C olive oil
3 T lemon juice
2 T Celtic salt
2 t ground ginger
1 t cumin
1 t cayenne
1 t coriander
1 t white pepper
15 nori sheets

Lay out nori sheets onto dehydrator trays. Combine all ingredients in high-powered blender and
mix until creamy. Spread 2-3 T of mixture onto each sheet of nori, and allow to dehydrate for
1.5 hours at 145°F. Next, roll each sheet of nori up and continue to dehydrate for another 2
hours. These wands may be served warm, or, if desired as travel food, fully dehydrated and
stored in sealed baggies for a convenient snack.
Nut Nog

2 cups almonds(soaked overnight in water)
1 cup dates(pitted and chopped)
1 vanilla bean chopped(or 1T vanilla extract)
1 t cinnamon ground
1/2 t cloves, ground
1/2 t cardomon ground
Combine all ingredients, except for almonds, in a
mixing bowl. Strain almonds, except for soaking water,
place in blender with 1 quart filtered/spring water
then liquefy on high speed, slowly pour mixture
through strainer, over a collecting bowl to remove
pulp(save for cookies or pie crust). Place 1/2 almond
milk into blender with 1/2 of spices and dates, top
off with filtered/ spring water, then liquefy on high
speed. Repeat process with remaining ingredients.
Combine in bowl. pour into container and refrigerate.
When serving, garnish with a dash of cinnamon. Serves
Coconut Date Balls

2 cups pecans
1 1/2 cups dates(pitted and chopped)
2 T orange or tangerine zest, minced
1 cup dried coconut
In food processor, pulse dates and pecans together,
then add zest and pulse till mixed. Use a tablespoon
to measure and form mixture into balls. Roll balls in
dried coconut.Refrigerate and serve with Nut Nog.

Wild Rice Stuffing

5 cups sprouted Wild Rice( soak rice in water for 2
1 1/2 cups celery, chopped
1 cup apple, chopped
1 cup parsley, chopped
1 cup wild black walnuts or regular walnuts
3/4 cup red onion, minced
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed
1/2 cup fresh sage minced or 3 T dried sage
1/2 cup fresh thyme, minced or 3 T dried thyme
1 T celtic sea salt, fine ground
fresh ground black pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and
hand mix well. Add olive oil, mix again and serve.
Serves 10.

Macadamia Date Pie

4 cups macadamia nuts
2 cups dates
Juice of one orange
1 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon of butterscotch or vanilla extract

Blend macadamia nuts in food processor until they are finely chopped and transfer to a bowl.
Next blend the dates and orange juice in a food processor and add to the macadamia mix. Mix
thoroughly together with salt and butterscotch extract.

Spread the crust out thinly on a plate. Finely slice bananas or you favorite fruit and spread on
top the macadamia date crust. Next cover the fruit with another layer of the macadamia date

Decorate the pie with thinly sliced oranges and nuts or your favorite fruits.
Serves 8-12 people
Copyright © 2002. RawFamily.com

Butter Nut Squash Cookies
4 cups peeled butternut squash chopped into medium sized chunks
1-cup raisins
The juice of one orange
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons raw honey
Blend the chopped squash in a food processor and transfer into a bowl. Next blend the raisins
and the orange juice in a food processor and add to the squash mixture. Add the rest of the
ingredients into the bowl and mix thoroughly.

Take out your ice cream scoop and scoop the mixture onto a dehydrator tray, flatten each cookie
till they are one inch thick. Set the dehydrator for 100 degrees and leave in for 12 – 15 hours.

Makes 7-11 cookies
Dill Salad Dressing from Joyce Coy

3/4 c pine nuts (soaked)
1/3 c water
1/3 c lemon juice
1/3 c olive oil
1 clove garlic

Blend Above ingredients well

Then add 2 Tablespoons (?) Dill and blend just a little
Add up to 1.5 t of celtic sea salt

6 cups almond pulp (leftover from making almond milk with the Amazing Nut Milk, Juice and Sprout
1 cup coconut oil* (softened by putting a glass of solid oil in hot water)
1 1/2 cups golden flax seeds ground into a meal with your blender or clean coffee grinder
1/2 cup honey*, maple syrup or date paste (made by blending soaked dates and a small amount of
water together)
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup raisins or currents
2 tsp. Celtic sea salt*

Mix almond meal and flax meal together by hand in a large mixing bowl. Add the remaining
ingredients and mix well with your hands.

Press onto a dehydrator tray lined with teflex*. The bread should be about 1/4" thick. Use your
hands to smooth it flat. Score into bread sized pieces. Flip the bread using another dehydrator
tray on top, and remove the teflex sheet. Dry at 105 degrees for about 4 hours. Store in the
refrigerator for up to a week, or freeze in a ziplock bag and remove pieces of bread as needed.
You can also sun-dry this bread.
* Available for purchase at www.PureJoyLivingFoods.com


"Jay's Hippy Sea Pasta"



 ****1-2 Handfuls of Fresh sun-dried raw "Sea Palm" (a type of Pacific

coast seaweed)

 **1/4 - 1/3 cup of Fresh raw shelled hemp seeds.

 **1 pint Fresh Del Cabo "Sweet 100's" mini-cherry tomatoes.

 **3 tablespoons of "Italian" Spice OR Oregano.

 *1/4 cup Raw Apple Cider Vinegar


Soak 1-2 handfuls of fresh dried "Sea Palm" in a glass bowl of purified

water for @ least 30 minutes. (Better if left to soak overnight)


 Drain off the water, and marinate the "Sea Palm" in glass bowl with

1/4 cup of raw apple cider vinegar for approx. 15-20 minutes. Drain off

almost all of the vinegar from the sea palm, but still leaving the sea palm

moist with the vinegar.


Sprinkle the hemp seeds generously (think of it as "mock parmesan

cheese") atop the sea palm. Fold in extra hemp seeds so the hemp seed stick

to the moist sea palm.


Dress the sea palm/hemp seed mixture with "Sweet 100" tiny red


Toss the pasta, then cover with a nice blanket of the "Italian Spice" or

Oregano seasoning





Best if added as a condiment atop a green salad, and not eaten in large

quantities alone or could clog your digestive system!; To Store:

Refrigerate in an air-tight container & eat within 4-5 days.




Where to find the "Sea Palm"??

Can purchase it "wholesale" directly from "Rising Tide Sea Vegetables"

they sell it  wholesale via mail-order for approx. $22 / lbs.


"Rising Tide Sea Vegetables"

 P.O. Box 1914

 Mendocino, CA 95460

 Tel: 707-964-5663


Where to find the hemp seeds? (rich in Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty-acids)

Can purchase them in 12 oz. cans (product of Germany) @ the SNF Co-Op,

sold under the name-brand "HempNut" which is packed in the USA & sold by:


   "HempNut, Inc."

   P.O. Box 1368

   Santa Rosa, CA 95402-1368

   Tel: (707) 527-8113

   Email: info@TheHempNut.com


Or go to their website @ http://www.TheHempNut.com

The usual sale-price for one can is approx. $5 to $6.00




This week's raw recipe comes from Mrs. U. Gardiner who
writes: "Even though you combine cabbage with fruit, I have
never had any digestive problems with the salad whatsoever.
My family practically devours it when I serve it. Hope you
ENJOY it too!"

(Editor's Note: The following recipe does not adhere to
the 'Food Combining Charts', but most people with a
digestive system that functions optimally have no problems
combining some vegetables and fruits as long as they are

1/2 medium red cabbage -- (thinly shredded)
1 small sweet onion -- (thinly sliced & chopped)
1 orange -- (pitted, peeled and diced)
1 sweet apple -- (peeled and diced)
1 banana -- (thinly sliced)
Juice of 1/2 lemon to pour over banana slices
Small handful of raisins


Juice of one orange
1 tablespoon raw honey
2 tablespoons Flax oil

Shred cabbage and prepare other solid ingredients. Pour
lemon juice over banana slices, and then combine all solid
ingredients. Mix together orange juice, honey, and flax oil
and pour over salad. If you want your salad more moist, use
more orange juice. (I have made the salad using 1/2 red and
1/2 green cabbage, which also tastes great).

Green Dragon Broccoli
by Karen Parker
Executive Chef at Tree of Life Cafe

Serves 2

1 head kale, washed and chopped
1 cup almond butter
½ bunch dandelion leaves, washed and removed from the stem
2 cups broccoli heads, chopped
1 tablespoon coconut butter
½ cup mint, minced
¼ cup raisins
2 teaspoons hing
1 teaspoon tarragon
2 thai dragon chilis or jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon lime leaf, minced
2 tablespoons lemongrass, minced
1 tablespoon ginger
2 teaspoons salt
1 cup water or coconut water

Blend almond butter, mint, raisins, hing, tarragon, peppers, lime leaf, lemongrass, ginger,
coconut butter, salt and water in blender until smooth. Toss the kale, dandelion greens and
wilted broccoli with the marinade. Massage liquid into veggies well. Pour mixture into 1 large
casserole dish. Place dish in dehydrator for 4 hours. Ensure that temperature is set to the
lowest setting, or about 85 degrees. Serve warm.
These creations are Copyright of the Tree of Life Café.
Nomi's Pudding:

1 Avocado
1 Banana
1-2 dates (optional)
Garnish w/ Berries


No Bean Humus

2 medium zucchini
1/4 c olive oil (I leave out)
4-8 garlic cloves
2 t sea salt ( I use dulse flakes)
1/2 c lemon or lime
3/4 c sesame seeds
3/4 c tahini
1/4 cayenne
1 t paprika
1 t cumin

Blend zucchini, oil and garlic in food processor. Add remaining ingredients.

Russian Dressing Blend all ingredient together - Quintessence

1 Medium Tomato

4oz Coconut Meat

2 Tbl Olive Oil

2 tsp Honey

2 tsp Oregano

1 tsp Basil

* tsp Black Pepper

3 Sun Dried Tomato

* cup water


Plum Pudding - Quintessence

1/2 cup Macadamia Nuts 

4 Dried Apricots 

3 Plums 

1/4 tsp. Sea Salt 

1/2 tsp. Vanilla 

1/2 tsp. Lemon 

Blend till smooth and creamy then serve.


Vegetable Kurma Marinade for Vegetable Kurma  -Quintessence

2 cup water 

3 med Cloves Garlic 

1/2 cup Olive Oil 

1 tsp. Sea Salt 

2 to 3 Tbls Yellow Curry Powder

Soak veggies of choice in marinade for 24 hours. Then strain keeping the marinad.

Pour marinade back into blender and add:

1 cup soaked Almonds

Blend thoroughly, then add:

1/4 cup Cilantro

1/4 cup Parsley

You can more curry or cyanne if you wish. Blend in at medium speed for about 20 second.

Serve over marinated veggies and sprouted wild rice or sprouted Quinoa.


Bell Pepper or Summer Squash Soup  - Quintessence

Put in blender: 

1 Medium Yellow Bell Pepper or Summer squash Soup 

1/2 Medium Cucumber 

1/4 Medium Red Onion 

1 Tbls Olive Oil 

1 tsp Sea Salt 

1/3 cup Water 

Blend and serve. 

Option: Mix Summer Squash and Yellow Bell Pepper


1/4 cup chilled coconut milk, fresh or canned
1 cup almond milk, or other nut milk,(chilled)
1 whole papaya, peeled and diced
water(as needed)

Cut papaya into slices and set aside. Put milks in a blender and
blend at low speed. Add papaya, a few pieces at a time and blend
until creamy. Add water or ice to change thickness. For an
additional exciting flavor, add a few ripe strawberries.

NOTE: I have added banana and different berries to this and it all
comes out delicious!
Orange Zest Salad Dressing with Coconut Butter

Juice of 3 oranges
zest (grated outer peel)from the 3 oranges
3-4 Tbsp grated fresh ginger (according to your taste)
1/3 cup raw apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup of coconut butter
1 hot pepper (optional but yummy imo)
celtic sea salt to taste

blend well until creamy.

This is all approximate. It should end up tasting
great though! You can always change the amounts of
things according to your taste. When stored in the
refridgerator the coconut butter will rise to the top
and get hard but just take it out awhile before you
plan to have some and shake it really well or reblend
Courtesy of Shari V and "Delights of the Garden" by Imar Hutchins

3 bunches of broccoli
1/3 cup of tahini
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup spring water
2 teaspoons tamari or sea salt
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup red onion, chopped

Cut broccoli florets from the stalks and place the florets in a large mixing bowl. Next, blend
the tahini, garlic, lemon juice, water, and tamari or salt substitute, if using, until smooth
and creamy. Pour the mixture onto the broccoli florets and mushrooms and stir until evenly
covered with sauce. Sprinkle in the sunflower seeds and onion. Stir again. Serves 4 (2 -3 cups).


Filling Ingredients:

1 ripe (very soft) persimmon (Cut the top off and scoop out the soft
discarding any seeds or parts that aren't soft.)
1 ripe kiwi (Cut kiwi in half and scoop out the insides)
1 ripe pear, cut away from the seeds (any type of pear you like)
1/2 to 3/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (Some stores sell frozen
blueberries, which are very sweet.)
The insides of one young coconut (scooped out)
Variation: one banana, peeled.

Blend all of the above ingredients in food processor until creamy. Put
into bowl and set aside while you use the food processor to make the crust:

Crust Ingredients:

Two cups soaked almonds
One half cup pitted soft (or soaked) dates
One quarter cup sun-dried raisins
The freshly squeezed juice from one half a juice orange
About one Tablespoon of zest from an organic orange
Cinnamon to taste

Blend the crust ingredients in a food processor and press into a pie
Pour the filling from the bowl you set aside into the crust. Cover pie
chill in freezer a few hours until just solid.

Serve and enjoy!
Raw Foods News Holiday Fruit Salad

This festive holiday salad has beautiful colors and shapes, and is
crunchy and sweet.
The sweetness of the raisins, pineapple and oranges balances the
tartness of the cranberries and blueberries.


The jewel-like covered seeds from one pomegranate (the little pits are
One cup (or more) of fresh or thawed frozen blueberries
One cup of cranberries
One cup of seedless red grapes
One cup of sun-dried raisins
Slices of two blood oranges (these are very sweet and juicy)
Bite-sized chunks of pineapple
Optional: Fresh mint leaves.

Put all of the ingredients in a large bowl. The ingredients will make
their own juice, as dressing. If you like, garnish with fresh mint leaves.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Yam Yum
This makes a nice appetizer or side dish.

1 large yam or sweet potato, peeled and cut into pieces to fit into
1 large clove of garlic, peeled
1 or more shallots, peeled
1 medium size sweet onion, peeled
Basil, fresh or dried
Oregano, fresh or dried
Sage, fresh or dried
Raw black sesame seeds (or regular ones if you can't find black ones)
Optional: Tahini dressing (see below for recipe)
Optional: One half cup raisins.
Optional: Parsley or fresh basil for garnish.
Lettuce leaves (or other greens) to put on the plates, under the Yam

Run the first four ingredients through a Champion juicer, using the
flat plate attachment (not the one that lets the juice go through)
Mix contents, and add the remaining ingredients.

Optional: Add 2 or more Tablespoons of tahini dressing and the raisins.
Using an ice cream scoop, place mounds of Yam Yum on a bed of lettuce
leaves or other greens. If you have some parsley (or fresh basil), stick a
sprig into the top of the mound, flag-like, as a garnish.

One half cup raw tahini
The freshly squeezed juice of 1 or 2 lemons
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
Sea salt or Nama Shoyu (raw soy sauce)

Grate garlic into bowl, add lemon juice, mix in the tahini til creamy,
add sea salt to taste.

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Dairy-Free Cole Slaw

1 medium-size peeled raw yam
1 small onion or sweet onion
1 cup raw caulifllower
5 Jerusalem artichokes (unpeeled)
1 2 1/2 inch piece of daikon radish
2 large red radishes
Optional: Two broccoli stems, peeled.
Optional: One half cup sun-dried raisins
Optional: Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Optional: One half cup red cabbage

Cut ingredients into pieces to fit into food processor using attachment
that creates long strips that look like cole slaw. Feed into food processor
to make long thin strips.

Mix dressing into the bowl (see recipe below) and serve.


The juice of 2 lemons
1 or 2 cloves garlic, peeled (depending of size of cloves)
1 cup raw macadamia nuts
6 teaspoons extra virgin first cold pressed olive oil
1 pinch or 2 mustard powder

Blend in food processor or blender til creamy.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Raw Salsa

Chop 6 Medium Tomatoes
1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
Chop 1 Small Banana Pepper (not Jalapeno)
4 Celery Stalks, minced

Mixed chopped vegetables together and allow to stand one hour.

Add the following Seasonings:
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive oil
Chopped nuts or seeds to taste, if desired.
1-2 Minced garlic cloves
1/2 Cup of Sweet basil leaves

Allow mixture to sit until flavors have blended, approximately one hour. For added zest add the
juice of one lemon and one lime.

Note: Hot Jalapeno peppers damage the mucous membranes and the lining of the stomach.

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Apple/Nut Green Salad

2 Golden Delicious apples, peeled and diced
1/4 cup pecans, cut into large pieces
1 stalk of celery, diced
1 handful of baby greens
Juice of one orange

Place greens in bottom of bowl. Add apple chunks, then celery, and top with pecans. Pour orange
juice over the salad and enjoy! Raisins can also be added to this salad for a sweeter taste.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Raw Grated Carrot & Apple Salad

2 large peeled carrots
1 peeled apple
1/4 cup organic raisins
1/4 cup organic apple juice (or orange juice)

Finely grate (or process through Champion, Green Life, or Green Power juicer with blank in place
instead of screen) carrots and apple. Place in a bowl and stir in raisins and juice. Let sit 15
to 30 minutes in refrigerator to plump raisins. Adjust for size of family.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Leaf Lettuce Roll-Ups

1 tomato, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely grated
1 tablespoon sweet onion, finely chopped
1 cucumber, small, thinly sliced
1 celery stalk, finely diced
2 large lettuce leaves (deep green leaves, not head lettuce)
1 avocado (peeled & mashed)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon all-purpose herb seasoning
Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Mix mashed avocado with lemon juice, herbs, and aminos to taste. Spread avocado paste on top of
large lettuce leaves.
Toss together rest of ingredients and pile on top of avocado, roll up leaves, and serve.

Try different vegetables for variation, and adjust ingredients for the number of roll-ups
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Judy's Favorite Salad Dressing

8 ounces carrot juice (freshly extracted)
Juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
2 - 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Place all ingredients in blender and blend to desired consistency. If too thick, add more carrot
juice or distilled water. I sometimes vary the above recipe using a few almonds, or walnuts, or
avocado, or a tablespoon of Udo's Oil.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Wild Rice Salad

4 cups wild rice
1/2 cucumber
1 cup frozen or fresh peas
1 cup ripe bell pepper (red, yellow, etc.)
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1 medium tomato
1 celery stalk
1/2 cup sweet red onion or scallions
1-2 teaspoons dried parsley or basil
1-2 tablespoons kelp to taste

Pour enough distilled water over wild rice to cover, place a towel or lid over bowl and soak 48
hours. Change water at least once a day. After soaking rice, drain and rinse and place in a
large bowl. Shred carrot and chop remaining ingredients fine, mix in seasonings and add to rice.

MAKE DRESSING using 1 large avocado,
1/2 to 1 cup tomato juice
1-3 garlic cloves
pinch of cayenne
kelp or herbs to taste.

Mash avocado, fold in other ingredients, and pour over rice.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Sunshine Carrot Salad

3 cups carrots (grated)
1/2 cup raisins (organic)
1 Red Delicious apple (grated)
1 celery stalk

Peel and grate apple and carrot, and finely chop celery.
Combine all ingredients above in a bowl and toss.

Then mix in the following dressing:
1 Red Delicious apple (peeled and cored)
2 carrots (grated)
1/2 cup almonds (raw)
Apple juice

Place above ingredients in blender and blend till creamy.
Add apple juice to desired consistency and mix with above salad.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Shades of Green Salad

1 bunch Romaine or other leaf lettuce
1/2 bunch of spinach
1 diced avocado (optional)
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced cucumber
1/2 cup of thawed frozen peas
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (optional)

Wash and dry greens, remove stems from spinach and tear greens into bite-size pieces. Add other
ingredients, mix well and serve with No Oil Lemon/Parsley Dressing.

Note: Use sunflower seeds or avocado, but not both. Using both provides too much protein. If
serving with Poppy Seed Dressing, omit seeds and avocado.

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Blended Salad

This salad does require a blender.

1 medium tomato
2 cups leaf lettuce or spinach
1/4 of a cucumber
1 stalk of celery
1/2 ripe avocado
1/4 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
1/4 cup each broccoli & cauliflower
1/2 teaspoon Frontier All Purpose Seasoning

Blend tomato, cucumber, avocado, Bragg's Liquid Aminos and herb seasoning to make a dressing.
Then add remaining ingredients except for the celery. Use the celery stick to push the veggies
down into the blades, quickly turning the blender on and off until all veggies are in the
dressing. Then continue turning the blender on and off until desired consistency is reached. If
the dressing is too dry, a little distilled water may be added. (If you turn your blender on and
leave it on instead of pulsing it on and off, your salad will be very fine - some may like it
that way.) ENJOY!
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Raw Pumpkin Pie

1 1/2 - 2 Cups Raw pumpkin
1 Cup Almonds
1/2 Cup coconut
2 - 4 Tablespoons fresh lemon or orange juice
2 Tablespoons Raw, unfiltered honey
1/2 Cup Organic raisins, soaked
1/2 teaspoon Ginger
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg

In a blender combine the pumpkin, almonds, juice and honey. Add coconut, raisins and spices. If
too thin add more almonds. The pie will firm up some when chilled, but the consistency should be
that of pancake batter.

Pour pie into pie crust found on page 273 in God’s Way to Ultimate Health, under the Strawberry
Pie recipe. Cover & chill overnight.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Werner's Fruity Salad Dressing:
I juice about 5 oranges, blend with two bananas and a
handful of
raisins. Then pour dressing over lettuce greens and cucumber, tomato
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Thai Salad From Boutenkos
4 cucumbers
Juice of 1½ lemon
1 bunch dill
1 bunch cilantro
1 medium sized onion diced
3 teaspoons hot curry powder
1 teaspoons salt (or to taste)
3 tablespoons honey
1/3 cup olive oil
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds

Peal and slice the cucumbers into thin circles and transfer to a bowl. Next finely
chop the cilantro and dill and mix with the cucumbers. Add the onion, lemon juice, and the olive
oil. Finish by adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing well.
Makes 5-8 servings
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Sergei’s Amazing Truffles BACK

· 1 cup raw unsoaked walnuts
· ½ cup of your favorite pitted dates
· ¼ cup young coconut water
· 4 table spoons of raw carob

1. Blend the walnuts and dates in a food processor till the mixture is smooth.
2. Mix in the 4 Tbs of carob and the coconut water.
3. Shape the mixture into small balls and roll the balls in carob, decorate with your
favorite fruit.
Makes 8 - 12 truffles
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
- Raw Candy Bar: (tastes a lot like a snickers, but better!)
raw almond butter, honey, sea salt, germinated almonds, raisins - mix
together and munch and get the satisfaction of a candy bar with no
worries about your complexion! In fact, add a capful of flax oil and you will
be a glowing picture of health!>>

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
chocolate-like Christmas-y yule-log for Christmas

Here's a mouthwatering healthy recipe for you all to try for your New
Eve dessert!

My Mum made me this delicious scrumptious treat.. Its also a bit like one of those Christmas
fruitcakes. Oh my! Try this!!!

"You take some..."
(as starts most recipes from a 1700's Swedish cookbook by Kajsa
Varg )...((Mum is Swedish))

Raw organic nuts, a handful each of whatever kind you prefer, I used
hazelnuts, cashews and almonds...

Chop them up carefully. Also I added a good handful of raw organic
ground almond (from bulk section at health food store)

Add dried fruits. I used raw organic raisins, golden raisins, dried
apricots, 4-6 figs, 4-6 Medjool dates.

Add some fresh fruit. blend up two fresh apricots, or a few
strawberries, or a banana for instance and add.

Add a big dollop of raw organic almond butter.

Mix it all in a big bowl with a sturdy fork. If your dried fruits are
too dry to cling together, you may have to moisten the mix with a few drops
of fresh squeezed orange juice.

On a piece of wax paper (kitchen parchment paper) form the mixture in
the shape of a log.

Sift raw organic carob powder through a tea strainer over the log and
sprinkle ground almond over it, too.

Voila! there's your Yule log. (or raw-vegan xmas fruit cake)


~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
My best hummous  (hummus)

2 cups of barely sprouted chickpeas
Juice of 2 lemons

1 big dessertspoon of tahini
1 clove of garlic
Olive, sesame and sunflower oil for texture

Chop the garlic and put all ingredients in the food processor, and
process.  Initially, use about half a cup of the oils. When the chick peas have
broken down, test the texture and add more oil if you need to. Put it into
bowls and sprinkle on some paprika, squirt on some lemon juice and swirl on
some olive oil for decoration.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Sweet spread

I love this! I serve this on big romaine leaves, put basil leaves on
top and eat it like an open sandwich.

1 avocado, peeled and stoned
1 banana, peeled
1 clove of garlic

Chop the garlic and blend all the ingredients in a food processor.
 * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Egg Nog (Egg Nug)

2 cups of almonds soaked and drained
4 cups of filtered water
1 cup macadamia nuts soaked for 8 hrs/drained
1/2 cup honey
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon tumeric
1 vanilla bean
1 banana

Place almonds and water in blender and blend well.
Strain almond milk. The remainder of the strained almonds may be
discarded or used in another recipe.
Blend the macadamia into the almond milk.
Strain this mixture.
Add honey, cinnimon, nutmeg, tumeric and vanilla, blending well.
Blend in banana and refrigerate.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~

This is from a handout I got from Victoria when taking one of her

Serves 10

1 lb Nuts (soaked overnight if possible)
1 lb carrots, finely grated
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon sweetener (honey, very ripe banana, raisins)
1 Tablespoon oil
1-2 Tablespoons poultry seasoning (or other seasoning)
Sea salt to taste
2-3 Tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional)

Combine all ingredients and put through a Champion juicer with the
blank plate or mix in a food processor.

If the mixture is not firm enough, add one of the following
thickeners: dill weed, dried garlic, dried onion, dried parsley
flakes, nutritional yeast, psyllium husk powder, ground flax seeds.

Form into balls, cutlets, or fillets and sprinkle with paprika before

Note: If you want "fishburger," add seaweed (dulse, kelp, nori) to
the mixture.
~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~

Raw Eggplant Lasagna

This transition recipe is from the book, "The Sunfood Cuisine."


1 medium to large eggplant
2 cups water
1/4 cup nama shoyu, or tamari sauce
1/2 tsp. sea salt (optional)

Cut eggplant thinly lenghtwise. Marinate in water, nama shoyu, or
tamari sauce and sea salt for at least 2 hours, and up to 12 hours. Dry the
eggplant slices with a paper towel.

Prepare the following in separate bowls:
2 cups shredded zucchini
a few slices of red onion

Cheese sauce:

1/3 cup tahini
1/3 cup olive oil
2 Tbs. nama shoyu, or tamari sauce

Mix together in a bowl until smooth.

Create different layers, alternating:

Eggplant, tomato sauce, shredded zucchini, cheese sauce,
eggplant, tomato sauce, etc. Finish with shredded zucchini, and
decorate with a few slices of onion. Serves 2-4.

3 cups tomatoes, diced
4 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
1 Tbs. honey, or maple syrup
1/2 to 3/4 tsp. sea salt (to taste)
1 Tbs. Italian herbs mix (a mix of basil, thyme, oregano, and garlic)
1/2 cup fresh basil, or 2 Tbs. dried
1 1/2 cups sundried tomatoes
1 tsp. jalapeño pepper
1 medium garlic clove

Blend until smooth. If you do not have a Vita-Mix, you will need to
soak the sundried tomatoes in water beforehand. Soak them for a few
hours, then discard the soak water. Makes 2 cups.

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
 Burrito  Salsa and Avocado in Nori!

This is a cool treat when you are traveling.  Its nice and filling and tasty yet simple. You make salsa (tomatoes, onions,
cilantro, lemon, Celtic Sea Salt and jalapeno peppers or cayenne). Mash up an avocado and mix in salsa. Wrap in Nori or lettuce leaves. Think

~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~ ^ ~ * ~
Lemon Cream Pie
> Its funny how sometimes when you have very few ingredients around, you can
> come up with something awesome completely by accident. We are currently
> traveling and we got tired of moving with our same food for two weeks so
> got rid of everything. Arriving at a new vacation rental today, Storm went
> off to buy food and I was left to feed my hungry kids with only flax oil,
> dried shredded coconut, lemon, honey, and a banana. So I mixed these
> together for lack of anything else, and you know what - it turned out so
> yummy - just like a lemon tart! I used a tablespoon of raw cold-packed
> honey, three tablespoons of dried shredded coconut, a quarter of a lemon
> juiced, a tablespoon of flax seed oil, one banana mashed, and one banana
> up in slices. Mixed it all together and ate with a spoon. We fought over
> If you are not into honey, replace with a few Medjool dates.


Italian Wild Rice Pilaf - Contributed by Joyce Coy - Featured at July 2002 Potluck

3 C wild rice, soaked 3-5 days (change water 2x/day)

1 avocado, diced

2 T lemon juice

3 T fresh basil, chopped

1 T fresh chives, minced

1/2 C tomato, seeded and diced

1/2 C celery, chopped

2 1/2 T flax oil (optional)

1 t celtic salt

1/4 t cayenne (optional)


Mix all ingredients together by hand in a large bowl, Massaging the avocado to a creamy consistency and

coating all the rice.

Taco Delightness   -   Contributed by Joyce Coy - A favorite at our June 2001 Potluck.  

1 cup almonds, soaked 24-48 hours changing soak water every 12 hours

1/2 cu[ sunflower seeds, soaked 8-12 hours

1/2 cup sesame seeds, soaked 6-8 hours

1/2 cup red lentils, soaked 5-8 hours & sprouted 1-2 days

OR garbanzos, soaked 48 hours & sprouted 2-4 days

1 medium tomato

2 cloves fresh garlic

1/2 medium red onion

1/2 shredded carrot (optional) I did not use

2 TBS. flaxseed oil

2-3 TBS. mild chili powder

4 tsp. cumin powder

/4 - 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper

3 TBS. Bragg's liquid aminos or Nama Shoyu


1. place all ingredients in a food processor with the "S" blade and

process until the mixture is finely ground. Keep as thick as possible.

2. To allow the flavors to blend, if possible, place atop your working

dehydrator or any warm place for about 3 ours, in the oven on the lowest

"warm" or let it rest on your refrigerator.

3. Put on celery, sea vegetables, fill a red bell pepper, or put on a

cabbage leaf and top with guacamole and sprouts.


Brazilian Ricotta Cheese

1 lemon

1 cup Brazil nuts, soaked 12-24 hours

2 TBS. sesame seeds

1 TBS. unpasteurized miso

2-6 cloves garlic (I used a lot of garlic)

1/4 -1/2 onion (depends on how strong the onion)

Distilled water

1. Juice the lemon

2. Add the lemon juice with the rest of the ingredients within a blender.

3. Add enough water to allow ingredients to blend.

4. Blend until the mixture has a ricotta consistency

5. Pour the mixture into a sprout or nut milk bag and hang to let the

excess water drain.

6. You can let the cheese sit out for several hours or overnight to

ferment if you like a tangier flavor ( I let it sit overnight)

7. For a thicker cheese, place the sprout or nut milk bag in old

strawberry containers or a colander with a heavy object on top to squeeze

out more water



Mexi Nori Rolls 

By Kim Ngo

2 cups Almonds (soaked 8-12 hours & rinsed)
1 cup pine nuts
1 tsp cumin or mexican seasoning
1 tsp sea salt
2 Tsp maple sirup or honey
  minced chiles or cayenne powder to taste.
1 cup of diced pineapple (optional)
1/4 cup of onion (diced)
1 lime peeled and diced
10 nori sheets
3 cups of alfalfa or mixed alfalfa and clover
1/2 cup of chopped fresh basil or fresh dill 
1/2 of a red bell pepper (slice as thin as possible)
1 avocado (cut into long thin strips)
1 carrot (cut into long thin strips)
1 small daikon (cut into long thin strips)
(marinate carrot and daikon with apple cider vinegar, salt, grated 
ginger and maple sirup few hours to a day.  This is optional.)
1 cucumber (cut into thin strips)
Preparation and Serving Instructions:

1. Use food processor to process almonds,pine nuts, and pineapple,
seasoning with cumin, salt, maple syrup, lime and cayenne.  Grind the 
ingredients into dough like mixture and make sure they are not watery.
2.  Spread sprouts across nori sheet, near the edge closest to you and 
sprinkle the basil and red bell pepper on top.  Next spread the 
stuffing mixture on top across sprouts and placing one each pieces of avocado, 
carrot, daikon and cucumber.  Then cover with a thin layer of sprouts 
(this keeps the stuffing sticking to your fingers.)  Last, roll the nori 
tightly, wetting the far edge of nori to seal it with apple cider 

3.  With sharp knife, cut the rolls into  1-2 inches thick and arrange
on the plate, garnish with fresh dill or basil leaves.  Great to serve 
with soup or just as appetizer


   *******  Winner:  Best Appetizer  2001 Veggie Cook-off*******

Congratulations to  Phyllis Polito!

A delightful appetizer made with enzyme rich “alive” foods for optimum taste, health and energy!  Ingredients should always be organic and as fresh as possible.  Can easily be presented as an entrée if the crackers are made larger (about 4 inches in diameter).

 Advance Preparation: The Buckwheat Crackers can be made up to 1 month ahead and kept at room temperature.  The sundried tomatoes can be prepared 1 month in advance and refrigerated.  The onions, mushrooms and zucchini can be marinated up to two days in advance.  After draining the marinade, they should be refrigerated.


1 ½ cups Nama Shoyu (organic raw soy sauce)

Juice from 2 lemons

¼ cup maple syrup

¼ cup olive oil

1 red onion, sliced thinly then in quarters

1 portabella mushroom cap, diced

2 small zucchini, thinly sliced

1 Recipe Buckwheat Crackers (use your favorite or use the following recipe)

1 Recipe Guacamole (use your favorite or use the following recipe)

½ cup oil packed sun dried tomatoes (use your favorite or use the following recipe)

Handful of parsley for garnish


 1.      Prepare a marinade by mixing the Nama Shoyu, lemon juice, maple syrup and olive oil.  Divide the marinade into two bowls, with a little more in one of them. Combine the onions and mushrooms and add to the larger bowl. Add the zucchini to the other bowl.  Allow the onions and mushrooms to marinate 1 hour to 6 hours, and the zucchini to marinate ½ hour, stirring both occasionally.  When they are done marinating, drain the marinade off.  At this point they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

2.      Spread a small amount of guacamole on each cracker.  Then layer the other ingredients on each cracker in this order:  zucchini, onions and mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes.  Top with a small piece of parsley.

3.      Enjoy!!!


Buckwheat Crackers (yield 24 crackers)

1 ½ cups sprouted buckwheat groats*

½ cup flaxseeds.

¼ cup olive oil

2/3 cup carrot pulp (leftover from making juice), optional

1 clove garlic, minced

2 Tablespoons fresh basil, chopped

1 Tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped

2 Tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

1.       Soak the flax seeds in ¾ cup filtered water for ½ hour. Drain any remaining liquid off.

2.       Combine the sprouted groats, soaked flaxseeds, olive oil, carrot pulp and garlic.  Process ½ of the batter in a food processor until well mixed.  (You can use a blender instead by adding a little liquid to it).  Add the processed batter to the other half of the batter along with the chopped herbs.  Mix well with a spoon or your hands.

3.       Coat a dehydrator tray with a small amount of olive oil (best if sprayed on).  With wet hands, shape the mix into nice flat shapes about 1-½ inches round and about 1/3 of an inch deep.  Dehydrate at 100 degrees for 6 to 7 hours.  Carefully lift each cracker and turn upside down.  Continue to dehydrate for a few more hours until very dry.  (Note:  if you don’t have a dehydrator, these can be dried in a warm oven on the lowest possible setting.  Open the door periodically to keep the oven from getting hot.  It will probably take considerably less time.)

*Sprout the buckwheat groats by soaking for 6 hours in twice as much filtered water.  Drain in a colander.  Rinse twice daily for two days, until little “tails” appear.   Then they are ready to use.  Measure after sprouting.  Can be stored 1 day in the refrigerator before using in the recipe.


2 avocados, mashed

1 tomato, finely diced

2 Tablespoons onion, minced

1 Teaspoon jalapeno, minced

½ lemon, juiced

1 Tablespoon cilantro, chopped (optional)

Celtic sea salt to taste

Mix all ingredients well.

Sun Dried Tomatoes

1 cup dried tomatoes

1 Tablespoon basil, chopped

1 Teaspoon thyme, chopped

1 bay leaf

½ cup balsamic vinegar

Olive Oil (enough to cover, about ½ cup)

Mix all ingredients in a container with a tight fitting lid for 6 hours to overnight. Turn often.  Drain, place in a small container and cover with olive oil.  Refrigerate.


Tamara’s Seaweed Salad -- A Living Food Meal with Sea Vegetables

By Tamara Schatz


5 Oz Dried Dulse

½ Oz. Hiziki Dried & Fresh Mushroom

¼ c. dried Shitake and ¼ c. dried Maitake Mushrooms

¾ Avocado

½ c. Sprouted Mung Bean

½ c. Red Cabbage

½ c. Broccoli

1/8 c. Green Onions

1/2 oz bamboo

1/2 oz Lotus Root



Dressing: Mix together the following:

1 T. prepared Wasabe   

½ t. Ginger

1 t. Nama Shoyu &