Mark S. Blackburn, Veteran USA
January, 2002 Editorial
Has Free Speech Gone Too Far?
Is it Un-American to be Critical of the USA & it's Leaders?
Friends, America's greatness is closely coupled to it's 1st Amendment right to
speech. Each of us as citizens are critical links in America's tradition of
freedom and self-governance. We must constructively criticize corruption
and violence against others if we ever expect to have a peaceful,
prosperous, and happy
world. History made our founding fathers well aware that governments tended
to become corrupt. For this reason they greatly restrained our
government with the constitution. And, they granted that the citizen
was indeed superior to the government. They created our government
with the radical concept that government existed to serve the citizens and
not vice-versa. We were to be sovereign citizens with rights
guaranteed by God. Among these rights were life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness. "That to secure these rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed." Yet in the last century, government has habitually
exceeded constitutional bounds and is rapidly turning citizens into
servants while government acts like God.
Indeed, it is every citizen's right to be critical of government...to
audit government. Do I love my country? You bet I do! Am
I proud to be an American? In many ways, YES. Should I be
all the time? Of course not! Our government continues to
deprive innocent people of their rights and property for no legal or moral
reason. It has unjustly imprisoned tens of thousands of people for
doing nothing more than smoking the same type of cigarette that Bill
Clinton was too stupid to inhale and George W. Bush enjoyed while he tried
to recover from his youthful alcoholism. How sad that we don't have
equal rights as our founding documents decree we should! To
wit: One man uses a native American plant for medicine and we put
him in jail. Another uses this plant for recreation and we put him
in the White House. These things ought not to
be! (Incidentally, in case you are wondering: I have never
used any recreational drug in my life, except for about 5 glasses of
wine. I don't use drugs, and I don't recommend their use.
But, I believe any adult in America should be extended the right to
decide when and where he/she may use them provided that use
doesn't infringe on others' rights.
Here's a short laundry list of some of the awful things the US
Government has done:
- During the 1940s
and 1950s our government carried out experimentation
on citizens
using deadly radiation without their knowledge. This testing was
disproportionately conducted against minorities.
- During WWII we imprisoned tens of thousands of loyal
citizens because they were of Japanese ancestry.
- In the 1960s our
government began sacrificing young men for no good reason in an unwinnable
war in Vietnam. Almost everyone knows of somebody who was killed in this typically pointless war. Only through the exercise of
'free speech' and a lot of protest from the heartland of America did we put an
end to the Vietnam war.
- The US had murdered over 1 million Vietnamese civilians, in the
[then] most egregious case of genocide the world had ever seen.
- In the 1990s our government attacked, tortured, and
murdered 80 peaceable church-goers in Texas. After they finished,
they bull-dozed the site to hide the evidence of the crimes they
committed. Congressional investigations were convened
resulting in sanctions and indictments against many disgraceful, criminal,
& mentally ill BATF and
FBI personnel.
- Also in just
the decade of the 1990s, the USA has murdered over 1.25 million innocent
Iraqi civilians including 500,000 children with incessant bombing
raids. This makes the September 11 revenge look paltry by
- Here is a list of
74 other
atrocities committed by the US Government which attempts to explain
to Americans "Why they Hate us so much!"
As much as we love this
country, we must admit that our government has made many, many mistakes
injurious to US citizens, and injurious to others.
Bullies must be stopped! Just imagine if someone in your neighborhood was harming others.
Wouldn't there be an uproar? Would you sit idly by if some anti-social
12-year-old boy threw rocks at cars as they drove by?
Or, would you take him to his parents and have a talk? Government is
composed of fallible people who sometimes make poor
decisions. They shouldn't. But, they do. Just like the
12-year-old boy, we need to take government to the woodshed when it is
misguided. If we did not have Freedom of Speech,
we could not do this. And, government would quickly become
tyrannical. May God Bless the many who withstood abuse and ridicule
as they began to criticize the Vietnam War effort. Through their
sacrifice and exercise of free speech we put an end to the
carnage which left a generation of Americans mourning 58,000 dead.
Otherwise, it might have been many times that.
Citizens must be the masters of society. It is your American Right, Privilege, and DUTY to exercise wise
critical judgment of the actions of government. Our government is
supposed to be the servant of 'We The People.' When a servant
begins to do things contrary to his masters' wishes, the masters must
inform the servant. If you or I don't keep government honest and
ethical, who will? In the 1930s not enough Germans were
critical of their government. If they had been, NAZI Germany could
have been averted. Clearly, a NAZI America is not imminent. However, it is the duty of the citizen to
keep government honest & ethical which will keep such a reality from
happening in America. It is citizens who speak out against the
wrongs of government which will keep more Vietnams from happening, more
race-based internments from happening, more radiation testing on unwitting
citizens from happening.
Be grateful for heroic people. Next time you see a government protest, or hear someone being critical
of a mis-guided government action, go thank that person! They are
fighting for a better, freer, healthier society for you. You owe them
gratitude, not attitude!
If you wish to live free, you MUST exercise your right to Free
Speech! Those who don't exercise and guard their freedoms, are unworthy of
them! At all times you will either be a part of the
problem, or a part of the solution. When you see government
corruption and fail to expose and vocally oppose it, you are a part of the
problem. If you lack the courage & principles to be a part of
the solution, at least have respect for those who do.
-A Veteran named Mark
"It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from
falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling
into error." - U.S. Supreme Court

Mark Blackburn
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