My Appeal Against the "Tower of Doom," a project approved by Sacramento City Council.

Why should you oppose the Cell Antenna Array in Alkalai Flats?

  1. Your Financial Health (the value of your property WILL drop if you are within 2000').
  2. Your Physical Health (read my Tamoxifen kaufen ohne rezept for more information).
  3. Neighborhood Blight will result as rental properties become un-rentable and are abandoned (read more to find out why).

We've made a lot of progress in Alkalai Flats in one decade.   Please do not let the city take away the gains we've made.   OPPOSE this measure!   Attend the Public Hearing Thursday June 5, 2008.  Anyone who attends and registers properly can speak for 3 minutes.   I URGE all Property Owners to who have a vested interest in their property values (duh) to do this!

In April 24, 2008 the city council approved a plan to install a cell phone antenna at Washington Plaza, 1318 E Street.  This is a Senior Apartment building owned/managed by the City through SHRA.   Read about the experience of another similar Senior Building and their Cell Phone Antenna.  Is this how the city wants to treat it's weakest and most defenseless citizens?

The City was to have notified all property owners within a scant 500' of the proposed Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard, but I found that out of the dozens of such property owners only two were aware of it.

My Partner, Sharoll,  tried to attend the allegedly public April 24 hearing in order to read a statement opposing the EMR hazard, but she was turned away being told there were no public meetings that evening at all entrances to city hall. 

The PUBLIC city council meeting that will hear my appeal is scheduled at 6pm on Thursday, June 5. 

Location:  City Council Chamber, First Floor 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814


Come a little before 6pm to register to speak.  We are the 1st item on the meeting agenda.

A few suggestions if you speak:  

If you are a resident of Washington Plaza or live in the neighborhood, please tell them that you don't wish to be a guinea pig so the city can make an extra $2,000/month.  Tell them the experience of others, as well as the fact that the State of CA has recognized the unhealthfulness of cell radiation by banning cell antennas from within 

IF you are a property owner, please object because of how your building will be more difficult to rent because the law will require you to disclose the EMF hazard near your building.

 Here is my appeal as filed  with a map showing the plethora of cell towers already in downtown.

June 5 Hearing Agenda and city staff report regarding the Appeal.



Email from Jason Hone received Friday, May 30:

Hello Mark,
I received a call from a resident of the SHRA building and informed her of the hearing time and location.  The hearing is certainly open to the public and anyone who wishes to can speak.  Public testimony is limited to three minutes per person and they are asked to fill out a speaker slip so that they can be called forward when it's time for public comments.  I hope you've received the mailed notice from the City Clerk's office, but just to reiterate, the hearing begins at 6:00pm and will take place in the Council Chambers on the first floor of the New City Hall at 915 I Street.  The appeal is the first public hearing item on the agenda at the 6:00pm meeting (Item 29).  On another note, (you'll see this mentioned in the staff report) the City Attorney's office informed me that per the Telecommunications Act of 1996, local agencies are prevented from imposing more restrictive standards related to radio frequency electromagnetic fields from cellular telephone equipment than what is specified by the FCC.
The agenda and staff report were posted online today.  You can find them at click on "Access agendas for future meetings" and you'll see the link to the June 5th City Council agenda.  The staff report is under item 29 - click on the link "060508-29-Appeal Metro PCS (PDF-5925 KB)" to get to the PDF document.
Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.

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Taking reglan and zofran together to stop bleeding. The most important thing to keep in mind with hemorrhoids, however, is to use them exactly how instructed or, if you don't get it, you'll probably do something stupid. Your rectum or anus could easily become blocked. This result in anal prolapse, which, as I've mentioned previously, is something of a mess if it happens—more on that below. Other possible complications include the growth of blood clots. But there are plenty of doctors on the planet who will perform a simple rectal exam on you in an attempt to save you. To prevent hemorrhoids before surgery: When you have an open bleb, the key is to let your body naturally expel the hemorrhoids so you don't have to. The key to preventing bleeding and prolapse is also to let your body naturally eject those pesky hemorrhoids and stop them from sticking to your butt. If your anus is blocked, you probably know you'll feel it the entire time you're flushing. And even if this isn't possible with your doctor's attention, it's an easy solution to using hemorrhoid cream, as well a great deal faster than surgery. There are many different kinds of hemorrhoids. But for ease, the best ones are all considered to be the more common hemorrhoidal cysts, including "moles," due to their appearance. Cysts include the larger ones as well tiny hemorrhoidal cystic forms that resemble pustules. Some types of cysts can be painful, and as noted above, some may be difficult even to open. Others may feel like a constant, dull throb. And others may feel just the opposite. All of these symptoms, however, are more difficult to Drugstore seventh generation coupon treat effectively with surgery. What Causes Herniated Intestine? In some cases, a hickey can simply be caused by a small, fluid-filled cyst on the rectum that's enlarged in size from excess hemorrhoids. However with those cysts, a large amount of constipation likely isn't the cause. It may seem like it, too, but as you get fitter and stronger (and have fewer hemorrhoids), you should find that your rectums have a tendency to relax. Herniated Intestine With Other Conditions The same basic principle works regardless of your age, but when you are also suffering from other health problems, you may want to be extra careful with hemorrhoids. You may not be able to control every bowel or bladder issue you are diagnosed with. These also zineryt rezeptfrei bestellen conditions that can put a damper on the flow of your digestive system, and may cause you to miss meals, lose water weight (hydration), and experience headaches. Additionally, these health conditions can also complicate hemorrhoids. In fact, there are cases of constipation and/or abdominal pain being the culprit of hemorrhoids. So if you have pain that doesn't seem related to a bowel condition, such as bloating, hemorrhoids that suddenly get worse, or pain without a bowel condition, it might be just a hiccup from your body, or maybe a sign to schedule follow-up visit your doctor. How to Heal Herniated Intestine If you're going to go Does effexor help with weight loss it alone, try not to panic. The doctor can perform a more thorough exam in order to see what's going on. You can also ask me if I have suggestions on how to address some of your hemorrhoids. To relieve the symptoms quickly, take a tablespoon of lemon juice (about the size of a large egg) and dilute it with 3 to 4 teaspoons of cold water. Then swallow that, repeat on a few hours later. You can take this on three days' notice. When you're not at wor