Raw Sacramento News
Newsletter to Raw
Sacramento Friday, October 15, 2004

A Relaxing Raw Food
sailing cruise at the 2003 Aquatic Center Recreation Day
(L to R) Phyllis Polito, Janet Ahlbrecht, Skipper Keith
& Rich Angell preparing to walk the plank.
Whole Foods
Beginning Raw Foods
Raw Restaurant
New Articles on
Green Foods /
Sprouting / Juicing
Raw Ethiopian
Salad Recipe
Monday Potlucks
Jack La Lane Juicer
Whole Foods
Gayle Bradshaw, a member
of Raw Sacramento, and a colon hydrotherapist will be holding 4 Tuesday Evening
Raw Food demos at the classroom at Whole Foods in Sacramento beginning Nov 2.
(see: http://www.internalawareness.com/ for more information about Gayle.
See our events page for more information
about the event)
Beginning Raw Foods
If you need support to help you stay on a healthy dietary path, Raw Sacramento
does it's best to help you. We make you aware of opportunities to learn more and
gain from other's insights. One of the very best such opportunities is the
10-week Monday Evening Class "Get Healthy & Stay
Balanced." If you should be there by all means, GO! I know of no
better or less expensive boot-strap program for individuals seeking a superb
grounding in healthier & happier living. The superb videos that accompany the
raw food demos & lecture are outstanding. This course can transform your life.
Raw Restaurant Watch
I have visited Raw Food restaurants in many corners of this country. The best
bargain Raw Restaurant I have visited in all 50 states is just over an hour away
in Berkeley. Each dish is only $5.95 and they are good! Check out Cafe Muse at
the UC Berkeley Art Museum. See our
Restaurants page.
Many of you are aware that Roxanne's Raw Restaurant and her "Roxanne's to Go"
are both closed now. The principals were involved in a divorce.
A new Raw Restaurant is holding a grand opening Sunday in Los Angeles, and Mark
will be there. see: www.leafcuisine.com.
New Articles Posted
I have recently added 4 new articles to our Website. See below. Three are
written by Veronika Clay having to do with the benefits of a raw food diet,
weight loss, and colon care. I also am very glad to have Roen Horn's comments on
the Portland Raw Food Festival. Roen, like me, is a recovering fruitarian, and
discusses the different philosophical approaches to raw foods as espoused by
various raw food gurus such as Dr. Doug Graham and David Wolfe and Dr. Gabriel
Other articles on our website
Green Foods will make
you well
If I have learned one thing in my 8+ years involvement in raw foods it is that I
(at least) do not thrive on a high fruit diet. Initially people who are
accustomed to the SAD (Standard American Diet) may find great symptomatic relief
and greater well-being by transitioning to a high fruit diet. I certainly did.
However, this is not a sustainable diet, and can bring harm to the body as it
has to Roen Horn and I. Brian Clement, director of the
Hippocrates Health
Institute routinely removes all fruit from diets of anyone critically ill.
He even precludes carrot juice and beet juice, mainstays of
Dr. Lorriane Day's protocol,
due to their high glycemic index (mimicking fruit). He recommends one and only
one sweetener: stevia, which in itself is considered a highly theraputic herb.
Vegetables have been the mainstay of every healing clinic the world over.
Vegetable juicing offers concentrated, easy to assimilate nutrition. When
I began my raw food journey I was sometimes having 2 jamba juices per day. This
is overloading the body with food that is too high in sugars, and that is too
cold. In the last year I have begun sprouting my own wheatgrass, buckwheat, and
sunflower sprouts. I highly recommend these as among the most nutritious foods
available today. I am making 1 or 2 green drinks per day with sprouts, and
vegetable juices. Brian Clement says that after someone is in perfect
health they should not eat more than 15% fruit in their diet, and that the fruit
MUST be picked and eaten ripe: something he says is almost impossible to
do in the USA, where even organic fruits are picked for the farmer's
convenience, not the consumer's health.
Serious Sprouting
We are hoping to
organize a sprouting class soon. In the meantime, I have found & recommend
for serious sprouters a sprouting device that can be found at this excellent
go green site. (Look
for their "Best Automatic
Sprouter" link). This site, by the way, has some great
information on dehydrators, juicers, and how to make living foods an easy part
of your life. You can order a lot of good equipment from them as well, I
notice they have good comparison data on different dehydrators. I suspect their
recommended juicer is also a good one, but I recommend another, also below....
Jack Lalane Power
Juicer Recommended
I highly recommend the newer
Jack LaLane Power
Juicers. I first saw these at the State Fair a couple months ago. I bought one and
was so pleased I have bought another that I am taking to my Mother this weekend. They
are quiet, easy-to-assemble/disassemble, easy-to-clean, accept large objects,
create a very re-usable pulp, have a large pulp bin (for occasions when you are
making a lot of juice). Mfg.'s suggested retail is $200. They are
routinely available for $150 (what I paid at the State Fair). Here's a
site advertising them for $119:
celebrity appliance.
Update on 11/03/04: Found this item for sale at Fry's Electronics for just
$99! (Just north of 'regular' 80 at Northgate Blvd.). This week I have made sweet potato juice &
it is delicious. I have made excellent crackers out of the pulp. The
Jack Lalane will NOT make wheatgrass juice. Yes, the twin-gear juicers
retain an extra 10% or so of enzymes. But, I find them to offer more
resistence in the greater difficulty of using/cleaning them. I will use
them for wheatgrass or kale juice, but am very glad to have the Jack Lalane
Juicer in my kitchen for most routine juicing tasks. If I could afford
only one juicer, this one is the one I'd get.
Raw Ethiopian Recipe
Of all ethnicities of
foods, I think I prefer Ethiopian and Thai the most. -Mark
Ethiopian Delight
1 head green or red leaf
1 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup chopped okra
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 cup alfalfa sprouts
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 garlic clove, finely
Wash all vegetables,
chop & place in a large bowl & toss together. Add a Dressing of your
choice such as:
Tomato-Dill Dressing
I've been having this
sinple dressing a lot making it with fresh tomatoes from my garden. It is
wonderful! -Mark
3/4 cup Tahini
3 tablespoons tamari (or
nama shoyu)
4 garlic cloves
3 tomatoes
1/2 water
1 T chopped fresh
Blend on high.
Will make appx 3.5 cups. This dressing is great on raw vegetables or as a
salad dressing
Monday Potlucks are continuing indefinitely.
Raw Potlucks at 6:30 pm hosted by Michelle @ 916..338..2322.
(Corner of Hackberry & Madison in Sacramento).
More details on our Events Page.
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Raw Sacramento sends about 3 emails per month. Raw
Sacramento currently has 261 individuals on our email notification list
(October, 2004).
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Best raw regards,
-Team Raw Sacramento
Index of
Contact us: info@rawsacramento.net
