Raw Sacramento News
Newsletter to Raw
Sacramento Friday, December 10, 2004
New Raw Food Web Resources
Potluck Dinner & Party Invitation Saturday Dec 11
Barley Green Powder (cheap bulk buy opportunity)
2 Recipes
Raw in 10 Minutes - a new Recipe Book
Check our Event Calendar (Raw Events
Dec 11, 14, 15, 19 & 28)
News Flash: Dr. Hans Diehl speaking Saturday Dec 11 at 4pm see
Other articles on our website
Index to Raw Sacramento News
New Raw Food Web Resources
Here is a great new
raw food resource on the web:
http://www.fromsadtoraw.com/ It has a well-organized recipe section and
much valuable raw-food information.
Also you might
www.rawschool.com created by Nora Lenz of Seattle.
Potluck Dinner & Party Invitation
Saturday Dec 11
Kim Glazzard who is
very active with the ‘Organic Sacramento’ group has extended an invitation to
all of Raw Sacramento to attend a Potluck Dinner Party this Saturday. A
description can be found here
http://www.organicsacramento.org/ and below:
' Tis The Season to
be Jolly!
Come one, Come all to the Sacramento Progressive Community Potluck and Party !!
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Potluck Dinner: 6-7:30 p.m. Party: 7:30-11:30 p.m. ish
1911 F Street (near the corner of 19th and F Streets - at a Union Hall)
This is FREE EVENT (as in not a fundraiser!) The object of this event is to
socialize, make new friends, swap stories, share ideas, and HAVE FUN!
Throughout this past year, many progressive groups in Sacramento have worked
very hard to make our town and world a better place. Let's celebrate our
accomplishments and share an evening of food, drink, and music.
For the potluck - Bring a dish to share, and your favorite beverage.
Please label omni, veggie, vegan, or raw. You are encouraged to bring
your own plates and utensils to reduce waste (there's a kitchen to clean up
with), but we will have some eating supplies available.
For the party - Just a friendly face and willingness to have fun will be just
fine. If the spirit moves you, bring musical instruments or CD's, and we'll see
what happens.
We will have music, room to dance, and a few refreshments to augment the goodies
you bring.
**Please send this invitation to other progressive community groups/individuals
in our area that may be interested in joining us.**
This party is hosted by Organic Sacramento (www.organicsacramento.org) and
People United for a Better Sacramento
If you have questions or to RSVP, please contact Dave Tamayo at tamayo2@sbcglobal.net
(preferred) or 390-4076.
(Note: RSVP's are not absolutely essential, but would be very, very helpful.
Barley Green Powder (bulk buy)
Ric Tells me on Saturday AM, Dec 11, that we are SOLD OUT.
If, however, you would be interested in the future if/when we do another bulk
buy, would you please let me know via email: mark_blackburn@yahoo.com
Sacramento’s most long-term Raw Fooder, Ric Lambart has
available a great bulk buy on Barley Green Powder. He will be at the SNFC
dining room on Wednesday evening Dec. 15 from 5:30 till 7pm for pickup.
If you are certain you want some, let Mark know via email to
mark_Blackburn@yahoo.com and we will try to reserve some for you. I
announced this to our Yahoo Group & it's going fast. First come, first
served. Please make arrangements to be at the co-op next Wednesday for
pickup. 2 lbs minimum. Full information below…
Product Website:
Some of you may be
familiar with 'Barley Green' and various other
green powders. I strongly recommend these to people who do not get
enough greens (which is 99% of us).
I am not here to sell you anything you don't need or want. I am a
messenger and definitely not a profiteer.
Our good friend Ric Lambart (Sacramento's 29-year Raw Foodist) has
acquired a bulk amount of some barley green powder largely to help a
friend of his who is in a health crisis. Ric is preparing to move
back to NM and is in temporary quarters where he can't store greens.
Hence, they decided to make a bulk purchase of powdered greens at a
very good price. I have tried many brands but always keep coming
back to the original 'Barley Green,' because I somehow prefer it over
the others. But, at $36 per 1lb container, it does not come cheap.
Ric Lambart has a brand he is familiar with and thinks is
nutritionally the best. He has acquired some in bulk and Janet
Ahlbrecht and I have agreed to purchase some. The price is quite
good: just $9 per pound. I am going to send some to my Mother as a
Christmas gift, and have some for my own use, too. If you want to
give a healthy stocking-stuffer this year, you might consider
stocking up on this stuff.
While I do not have personal experience with this exact product, I
have a high degree of confidence in Ric's opinions.
I have already put this out to our Yahoo Group Members, and several
of them have responded.
Below is a message from Ric about the powder:
-Mark Blackburn
Hi Mark,
The Barley Grass Powder came in today.
Could you check to see if anyone else would like to get in on this
significant saving for the finest Organic Barley Grass Powder
available (Pines International)? You, Janet and I are the only ones,
so far, aside from John, who placed the order.
Since I don't have facilities now for keeping fresh greens handy,
this may be the only intelligent shortcut to assuring I at least get
that essential calcium, etc. I'd not even be in on this if it weren't
for my friend (who broke his back last month) and really needs the
calcium boost - plus he had a heart attack early in the year, too.
He's now cleaning up his act and ordered the large minimum shipment
in bulk.
Great to see you on Sunday! That was really a pleasant group of folks
that gathered at Gordon and Gladys'.
Reservations presently:
Pounds Who
Mark Blackburn
Bruce Stein
Janet Ahlbrecht
Pending order /
2 Recipes (untried, untested)
Raw Sacramento Recipes
good Recipe Site
First the Power
Monkey Madness with Mojo
Ultimate pre or post work out drink. I use this list during the winter
/ spring time.
2 bananas, 1 scoop of frozen berries, 1 scoop of Maca, 1 scoop of
hemp seeds or other seeds, 1 scoop of spirulina, 1 tiny scoop of bee
1 scoop of Super Green Power mix, 2 scoops of Red Star Nutritional
2 dates with pits removed, and 4 ice cubes in
a base of FRESH pure Apple Juice - about 12 oz. + 4 oz of pure water.
Blend for 60 seconds.
This power drink will send you through your day with such energy and
bounty - you will not know what you did before you had this EVERY
morning. The list to get at the health food store is extensive and
will be about
$100 - for a month supply - and worth every cent.
Juice of one lemon and the juice of one lime.
1/2 inch of fresh ginger
1 garlic clove.
4 to 6 oz of water.
Blend until smooth.
Then, take (ORGANIC of course) 1 and 1/2 stalk of celery, 1/2 green
bell pepper, 1 bunch of
fresh cilantro, some fresh dill (to taste), 1/3 of a chili pepper, 1
fresh tomato, and a pinch
of REAL salt and pepper.
Blend until smooth.
Then take one of the following ...
1 tablespoon of sesame butter or 1/2 avocado or 3 oz of extra virgin olive oil
and blend until smooth and creamy. If you like it more creamy or smooth
add more from the "fat" selection and enjoy.
This makes enough dressing for about 3 "Joshua" size salads. *huge
Raw in 10 Minutes - a new Recipe Book
The New Raw Recipe Book by
Bryan Au
Is Coming Soon!
Shipping on New Years 2005
Just in time for the NEW YOU and new Resolutions for Health, Wealth
and Self!
Taking Advanced Orders Now for advanced shipping you will be the
first to receive it before anyone! Special Deal for advanced orders:
Tax, Shipping all included in $20.00 Cover Price! Later in the
bookstores there will be tax, etc.!
Goodbryan2000@yahoo.com for all orders! If
you tell him that you are from Raw Sacramento, he will donate $5 to Raw
Sacramento for each book you buy. Please help the group that helps you!
Over 150 pages and 80 Raw Organic Living Recipes that are all
under 10 minutes and $10. Totally innovative, new
That are all unique, fast, easy, modeled to look and taste just
like all of your favorite "cooked""baked""deep
comfort and junk foods but it is
Raw Living Organic Bliss!
It only looks and tastes like your favorite comfort and junk
foods but is an adventure into "Super
High vibrational cuisine that will amplify your Yoga,
Creativity, Beauty, Anti-Age You Naturally
Rejuvenate You! The all natural Fountain of Youth,
to ignite your Spirit and Re-energize your Soul! Fast,
quick, easy, fun all RAW IN TEN MINUTES! Health is
your ultimate Wealth so share the gift of health
with your friends, family and loved ones with
With up to the minute information
nutrition, health and more! $20.00 all tax and
shipping included with advanced orders, will be
shipped on New Years just in time for the new you!
Paypal.com Account:
Please mention RAW SACRAMENTO in your Paypal order.
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Mailing List:
Please forward this email to any interested
Raw Sacramento sends about 3 emails per month. Raw
Sacramento currently has 271 individuals on our email notification list
(December, 2004).
If you would like to join this list, please send
us an
Best raw regards,
-Team Raw Sacramento
Index of
Contact us: info@rawsacramento.net
