Raw Sacramento News Newsletter to Raw
Sacramento Thursday">
Raw Sacramento News Newsletter to Raw
Sacramento Thursday, April 30, 2004 (potluck this Sunday)! A scene full of kids at our April 2004
Potluck at the home of Karen Baumann
May Monthly Potluck this Sunday
Many New Raw Food Events are Posted
Want a room in a Raw Household? A "Public
Nuisance" is how the city of Sacramento describes the home where many of us
will enjoy our Next Monthly Potluck this Sunday, May 2 at 5:30pm.
Come annoy the city bureaucrats with a raw dish!
Full Details on Sunday's Potluck.
Here's the letter to the editor of the Bee that
Mark Blackburn wrote regarding his favorite green-thumbed criminal. The
Bee has removed this article from it's free archive. Below is a headline and
Sacramento Bee/Owen Brewer Karen Baumann
works in her front-yard garden with twin sons Emery, left, and Taylor. The yard
violates Sacramento’s city code that requires landscaping primarily with low
ground cover or turf.
There are so may Raw Food events on our
calendar I cannot mention them all!
NOW is the time, however, to be planning attendance at the largest Raw Food
Festival in the world (coming in August) as well as many other excellent
regional events at places like Nevada City, Lodi, Sacramento, etc. Check
the calendar or weep! In May you can hear Dr. Ruza Bogdanovich in
Reno, Dr. Lorraine Day in Sacramento, and attend a 10-day juice fasting
retreat near Nevada City with Len Watson.
Check here!
Is it time to move? Need a new raw-friendly place to
live? Suddenly there are 3 great options for you. Three of our
members who have raw households are looking for raw roommates.
(Ironically we have held potlucks at each of these homes, so you may know the
homes already).
Citrus Heights: Room for rent in Citrus Heights,
vegan/rawfood kitchen $450 month shared bath and utilities. For more
information contact Joyce at 916.201..8995.
Sacramento (Near I-80 and Greenback/Elkhorn) Christian" raw foodist is
looking for a "christian" female to rent private bedroom with full house
privileges. A Preschool/Daycare is run in my home 7:30-5:30p.m Mon-Fri. Easy
access to freeway (l mile), off Elkhorn blvd in Sacramento. Quiet, peaceful
neighborhood with a nice backyard. $400 a month plus part utilities.
We can encourage each other in our raw food lifestyle. Janet 916.331..6406
Picture of Janet & her home & map.
McKinley Park Area: Local raw foodist Adair (now Alana!) seeks a
housemate to share her lovely McKinley Park craftsman-style home. Private
bedroom, full house priviledges, large kitchen, big back yard available for
organic gardening. Share with one other raw foods enthusiast and two dogs. 1
block from McKinley Park. Short term or long term possible. $450 or $650 per
month (depending on which bedroom). Spiritually conscious, progressive
household. Call 916.448..1402 for more info. Available immediately. Can you help one of our members in need?
For two years Larry and Diane Walters graciously opened their home in West
Sacramento to us for Raw Sacramento events. They contributed a lot of
their time to helping Raw Sacramento grow. They are now in need of some
help. Have you wanted to help, but not known how? Here's an easy way
to help our group. As an added bonus you will learn about the Gerson
Therapy for cancer (one of the most successful non-toxic curative protocols for
cancer). Here's the request I received from Larry. Please reply directly to him.
If you have any trouble reaching Larry, please call Mark at 916.444..6500. -Mark
Gratitude 2400 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA (415)
Raw Restaurants
Update: In our Last newsletter I made
lengthy comments about raw restaurants in general and some new ones in the Bay
Area. Since then I have made 2 visits to Cafe Gratitude which is quite
easy to get to (even in SFO). You do not have to pay to park. I
highly recommend them. They are rather close to the Rainbow Co-op/Market
which has quite an assortment of foods & supplies for Raw Foodists (Bulk Foods:
grains, nuts, seeds) exotic oils, organic produce,
bags, Aloe Vera Leaves and many other items. Cafe Gratitude is a
wonderful restaurant. Prices are modest. Portion sizes are small.
Check our updated
Restaurant links pages. .
The deli case
inside Cafe Gratitude Rainbow
Grocery is at 1745 Folsom Street SFO 415-863-0620
Cafe Gratitude
is about 1 mile away straight down Harrison St.
Interested in buying rawfood crackers?
Alana (formerly Adair Schwarz) is gearing up production of raw crackers &
cookies at her home near McKinley Park. Mark has tried them and says they
are delicious! RE:
http://www.sacbee.com/content/lifestyle/california_life/vierria/story/9018687p-9944613c.html Letter to the Editor We're all thumbs! Personal-size seedless watermelons are hot this year, according to Small Farm
News, a cooperative extension newsletter. Look for melons in the 3-pound range
at farmers markets and supermarkets. BurnOut II Weed Killer, with clove oil as one of its active ingredients, is
now available for those seeking environmentally friendly garden care products.
BurnOut II is an alternative to Roundup. Another new product using clove-oil is
Poison Ivy Defoliant, which takes care of poison oak and climbing ivy as well.
For more information:
www.milkyspore.com. Can you help Raw
Sacramento? Here are 2 ways
you could help Raw Sacramento: 1. Hosting a
2004 Potluck (In the Fall and Winter) I have updated our
potluck schedule indicating the dates in 2004
for potlucks. What we need now are homes at which we could have these
potlucks. Our participation is trending up—our November potluck had 40
individuals. If you are the host, you do not need to prepare a dish. And,
you don't need to drive. The food comes to you! Here's some
information about hosting a potluck.
2. Writing a Raw Food Testimony
Have you eaten much more raw food than previously for at least 2 months? Did you
experience any health improvements? Would you be willing to write a 'Raw
Food Testimony?" We would like to post more of these. If you
have concrete, documentable health improvements and can write a few paragraphs
about your experience, it may influence and help others. Would you please
send us
your Testimony?
Sacramento's main Event Calendar Mailing List: Please forward this link to any interested
party. If you would like to join this list, please send
us an
email. Best raw regards, -Team Raw Sacramento Contact us: info@rawsacramento.net